hi Fabrice I am a Spanish sculptor and I like your application and would like to collaborate on their project with models, videos, etc., if the project goes ahead?. I would send these models, I can not get sent to the web gallery by problems with my tablet device. Yes, also I have some video work with your application that can be sent as well. Please send my work as I can to you
Greetings and sorry for the Google translation
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Comment #1
Posted on Apr 24, 2012 by Swift KangarooHi Antonio,
First I'd like to thank you for your interest in my application, this kind of support is very valuable to me and helps me remain motivated.
Your sculptures are wonderfull, among the best I've seen so far!! You are a really skilled artist ! Congratulations.
I'm sad to hear you can't upload them to the web library for others to see and download. Please send them to me by mail (zip the TrueSculpt directory of your sdcard), and I will upload them for you.
Any video or tutorial about Truesculpt will also be greatly appreciated, don't hesitate to send them to this adress so I can feature them on the website.
The Truesculpt project is still alive and I really would appreciate some help from you. For instance, you may send me some feedback about what you like or not , or what new features you'dl like to see in future release. I'm not an artist, just a developper, and it is sometimes difficult to me to understand how it is used by real artists. You can also create a new set of icons to make this more sexy ;).... All the possible activities are listed here (http://code.google.com/p/truesculpt/wiki/HelpNeeded), pick whichever you want, it will be usefull to the project!
I also would like to apologize for the delay before answering you, the past weeks were very busy at work, but things will soon come back to a calmer rythm and I hope I'll be able to spend some more time on Truesculpt.
See you, Regards, Fabrice
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by Swift RabbitHi fabrice I'm glad to talk to you! First thank and congratulate you for creating this application "genuine and unique in the Android platform," I see much future in it (so I would), but as all things have to Spend more time consuming and if they are free. hehe First I will try to help around the topic of graphic design but my programming skills are zero but in 3d are some courses, zbrush intermediate and advanced course autocad, photoshop ... I am currently unemployed so I can help what you need. Well for starters my archos tablet device with g9 model (android 4.05), where the app is very fluid and fast, but my only problems are: - Some frozen screen and reboots the tablet when it is working but I get used to continuously keep - Problem with access to the library website. - Problem with the field early in subdivision 6 (crashes), so I use the subdivision 5. All this may be to blame my device, no idea "" is that it must be difficult to make a bootable app perfectly on all phones and tablets, and more on the android versions. By the interface is good but everything can be improved, if you want I can send some interface designs and icons but not the dimensions in pixels. By the tools I use and I see perfect: Simetry, Draw, Inflate, grab, smooth, color and colorize pick but do not use and would have to improve Flatten, Pinch, noise and the small eye. And I would like in future versions - A fundamental change to a light color that illuminates the application - A higher zoom to create more detail and better manipulate the mesh - Sliders biggest pressure control icon - A tool to draw with alpha channels - A tool of photography texture - Be able to delete from the file browser - Be able to create more objects in the scene - A subdivision mesh with more Well I'll stop dreaming of so many desires that many can not do. I send a small video files such as this on my hard drive, I hope the upload by mi.Tambien think you should update the images on the market (because a picture is worth a thousand words) I think that increased discharges with more sculptures developed. In closing I ask you to tell me the dimenciones of icons and I thought something said for anything else. Sorry for the translation and greet Antonio
- head fat.zip 564.2KB
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Comment #3
Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by Swift RabbitThere goes another
- headswamp.zip 759.4KB
Status: Done