
ID Status Summary
72 Invalid centos 5 and trash cli
71 Invalid trash-put man page informs users to use trash command
70 Fixed Patch for /trunk/man/man1/trash-empty.1 Type-Patch
69 Invalid Parameters rather than separate commands Type-Defect Priority-Medium
68 Done trash-put --force option enabled. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
67 Invalid trash-empty doesn't remove broken symbolic links Type-Defect Priority-Medium
66 Fixed Problems when installing trash-cli in Ubuntu/Kubuntu 11.04 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
65 Invalid getting syntax error while installing on centOS5 using source code Type-Defect Priority-Medium
64 Done some command are not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
63 Done trash-put: trash: cannot trash regular empty file `test': [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/.Trash-1000' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
62 WontFix uninstall script
61 WontFix rename restore-trash to trash-restore to maintain naming consistency Type-Defect Priority-Medium
60 Done pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: trash-cli==0.11.3-r315 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
59 Fixed trash-empty days option is ignored Type-Defect Priority-Medium
58 Fixed Remove individual items
57 Fixed manpages have confusing SEE ALSO sections Type-Defect Priority-Medium
56 Fixed more clear info on how to develop in wiki Type-Defect Priority-Medium
55 Fixed restore-trash sets all-write permissions for the destination directory Type-Defect Priority-Medium
54 Fixed restore-trash overwrites existing files with no prompt Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 Fixed Add basic options to trash-empty Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
52 WontFix option to show file sizes for trash-list Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
51 WontFix sorting options for trash-list Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
50 Accepted size limit option for trash-empty Priority-High Type-Enhancement
49 Fixed verbose/quite options for trash-empty Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
48 WontFix Package mantainer for OpenSuse Type-Task Priority-Medium
47 WontFix The version included in Foresight Linux is outdated. Type-Task Priority-Low
46 Fixed trash-restore is included in the distribution Type-Defect Priority-Medium
45 Fixed Cannot build RPM package with Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux
44 Fixed ImportError: No module named unipath Type-Defect Priority-Medium
43 Fixed Setup is broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
42 Fixed can't download unipath Type-Defect Priority-Medium
41 WontFix Find a package mantainer for Fedora Type-Task Priority-Low
40 Accepted enable trash to work on filesystem whose mount point isn't writable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 Fixed trash-put doesn't skip dot "." and dot-dot ".." entries Type-Defect Priority-Critical
38 Done link to blog is broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
37 Accepted Feature request: secure empty Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
36 Accepted Support the Mac trash spec as well Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
35 Fixed trash-list prints `No handlers could be found for logger "root"' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 Fixed trash_info_file is not defined Type-Defect Priority-Medium
33 WontFix Check for required python packages Type-Defect Priority-Medium
32 Fixed Verbosity of trash-put Type-Defect Priority-Medium
31 Fixed Support --help for trash-list Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
30 WontFix Use help2man for generating man pages. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
29 Fixed The dependence from unipath is not specified Type-Defect Priority-Medium
28 Accepted restore-trash and trash-list should not use a trash-dir writable by others Type-Defect Priority-Medium
27 Closed trash-put trashes files even if the trash-dir is world readable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
26 Fixed The information in UserInterface wiki are outdated Type-Defect Priority-Medium
25 Fixed The BUGS file is obsolete a should be removed. Type-Task Priority-Medium
24 Done Support alias rmdir='trashput' Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
23 Fixed trash-cli does not fall back to method (2) when method (1) fails Type-Defect Priority-Medium
22 WontFix Use a code coverage tool Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
21 Done Add automatic submission of data to freshmeat during the release command Type-Enhancement Component-Scripts Priority-Medium
20 Invalid restore-trash crashes when there are files in the trash that it cannot access/write Type-Defect Priority-Medium
19 Fixed Bug #310088 on launchpad: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 WontFix Get a code review from a expert python developer Type-Task
17 WontFix Write the .trashinfo(5) man page Type-Task Priority-Low
16 Done Add the new version of trash-cli projects (with the commands) to Debian and Ubuntu Type-Task Priority-Low
15 WontFix Add the trash-cli package to the Red Hat distribution Type-Task Priority-Medium
14 WontFix Uses pylint to check the code errors. Type-Defect Priority-Low
13 WontFix In the code use the single underscore instead of the double underscore. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 Done Evaluate the opportunity of use twisted.python.filepath instead of libtrash.File Type-Task Priority-Medium
11 Fixed Volume.mounted_filesystems method doesn't take in account that getmntent is not portable. Type-Defect Priority-Low
10 Fixed [ 2021948 ] restore-trash seems broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 Fixed trash --help fails Type-Defect Priority-High
8 Fixed Man pages Type-Task Priority-Low
7 WontFix Add to Fedora packages Type-Task Priority-Medium
6 Fixed Add to Ubuntu packages Type-Task Priority-Medium
5 Fixed Add GPL license in the header of each file. Type-Task Priority-Medium
4 Fixed Move all tasks from sourceforge project to the google code project Priority-Medium
3 WontFix The requirements 070, 080 and 090 should be only one requirement. Type-Other Priority-Medium
2 Fixed Rename the project on freshmeat Type-Task Priority-Medium
1 WontFix Move sources from the sourceforge svn repository to the google svn repository Type-Task Priority-Medium