THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN MOVED TO GITHUB: https://github.com/mandlar/tippytipper
About Tippy Tipper
A simple and open source Android Tipping Calculator.
- Enter bill via custom keypad
- Select tip by slider or three configurable buttons
- Real time calculations
- Round up or down by tip or total
- Can split the bill
- Can optionally exclude a tax rate from the bill
I welcome feature requests and bug reports!
Version 2.0 * UI update with action bar * Added menu option to email feedback * New About screen * (Free version) Added in house ads to promote Mandaria Software apps. You can disable them in the settings. Please consider supporting us by donating! * Dropped support for Android 1.5 * Re-arranging of code (library project) * Added exception handling / error reporting
Version 1.2 * Updated main layout: now includes a CLEAR and Calculate! button * Enabled install to SD card, prefers external * Reduced space (removed duplicate images) * Thanks to Stephen Donaldson, Jr. for submitted patch
Version 1.1.3 * Bug fix: The bill amount will properly display when exiting and re-launching the app (instead of a blank text box) * Long press the DEL button to clear the bill amount
Version 1.1.2 * Bug fix: Entering tax rate as 8.75 used to save it as 8.075, now correctly saves it as 8.750
Version 1.1.1 * Bug fix: Fixed force close with Android 1.5 when opening Tax Rate or Number of People preferences * Bug fix: Fixed tax rate from truncating leading zeroes after the decimal place
Version 1.1 * Error/event logging added (app now requires Internet permission) * Privacy preference added to enable/disable error/event logging * Tax rate preference added to enable/disable excluding tax rate (instead of setting tax rate to 0% to disable) * Bug fix: tip percentage wasn't re-calculating when switching from excluding tax rate to no longer excluding tax rate * Tax rate can now be up to three decimal places * Bug fix: Round Up and Down buttons were reversed in landscape mode
You can contact the developer Bryan Denny at tippytipper@gmail.com or http://www.twitter.com/mandlar/
I wrote a http://www.bryandenny.com/index.php/2010/05/25/what-i-learned-from-writing-my-first-android-application/'>blog entry about what I learned from developing this app.
Information on donating can be found here.
QR Code:
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs569.snc3/31063_811446901768_2717476_46081594_613147_n.jpg' />
Sample screenshots
http://i.imgur.com/jy45K9L.png' /> http://i.imgur.com/jvXRF8M.png' /> http://i.imgur.com/qQBohOz.png' /> http://i.imgur.com/3v1HjGn.png' /> http://i.imgur.com/ewsRznR.png' /> http://i.imgur.com/pLPmHKu.png' /> http://i.imgur.com/JnxwzzW.png' /> http://i.imgur.com/BEdhibf.png' />
Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/FsvTU
Project Information
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 19 stars
- svn-based source control