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timthumb - issue #496

Server path does not exist. Ensure variable $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is set correctly

Posted on Sep 16, 2014 by Massive Rhino

Hi, after installation of Timthumb on a server, ( with cache folder and correct permissions , as specified on http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/2010/11/timthumb-hints-tips/ and documentation ) this one still don't want to display the picture. No problem on a local installation with Xampp, or on another server.

I get this specific error : >> A TimThumb error has occured >> The following error(s) occured: >> * Server path does not exist. Ensure variable $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is set correctly >> * Could not find the internal image you specified.

link : http://manujarvinen.com/~secret/testing/Artwork-Web-Folder-master_new/lib/timthumb.php?src=http://manujarvinen.com/~secret/testing/Artwork-Web-Folder-master_new/01_concept-art_demo-picture.jpg&w=1100

'internal image' link is active ( http://manujarvinen.com/~secret/testing/Artwork-Web-Folder-master_new/01_concept-art_demo-picture.jpg ), Any hint how this could be solved, and what should I try ? How to set correctly $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ? Is it the real issue ? Thanks!

Timthumb version : last SVN , and also tested with an older 2.8.11

Comment #1

Posted on Sep 16, 2014 by Massive Rhino

Hi, after research ; the bug was happening because of the tilde symbol "~" on the URL. More informations here : http://elementdesignllc.com/2012/01/how-to-fix-timthumb-using-a-virtual-directory-url-contains-tildes/ ; removing it solve the issue.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium