What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Loading the website with HipHop VM 3.3.0-dev (rel) 2. 3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The expected output is for timthumb to generate images and although in the log files it seems to show that files are being grabbed, the output on the website shows dimensions only, but no actual image.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with the latest release of timthumb, NGINX, and Magento Enterprise.
Please provide any additional information below.
I'm currently running a test site with Magento, HHVM. and Nginx. The site loads properly and images coming from external CDN sources show beautifully. The slider works, the images coming from the blog work, however, when trying to view files generated by timthumb, I only get the image sizes. I've added a snapshot.
I don't see any errors in the logs. If I curl an image that I cannot see, I got a proper response from the command-line. The response looks like: - - [12/Sep/2014:09:14:00 +0000] "GET /timthumb/catalog/category/400/400/0/0/1701_Square_LR_8.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 1657 "http://domainname.com/example/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36"
I have a separate dev server running php-fpm with the exact same Nginx, php-fpm, etc. configuration, and the images show just fine. Anything special I need to do? I've researched the web and can't seem to figure out issues with HHVM and timthumb if any.
Thank you
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 16, 2014 by Helpful ElephantI've got the same issues, you are correct, and I can't seem to grasp what's wrong here.
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 16, 2014 by Helpful ElephantBut I should note, I'm using Wordpress theme bundled with timthumb
Comment #3
Posted on Sep 16, 2014 by Happy BirdAnyone have any ideas? I don't see any errors in the log files.
Comment #4
Posted on Sep 17, 2014 by Helpful ElephantI have a new discovery, I believe the headers are not in the cache file, only the image data, and that is read from disk, and sent with new headers on it. In HHVM the correct image headers are not being sent, only the contents of the temp files.
Comment #5
Posted on Sep 18, 2014 by Happy BirdLarcen, are you using Apache or Nginx to serve WordPress?
Comment #6
Posted on Sep 18, 2014 by Happy BirdI found this, which may relate, https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues/3241
Comment #7
Posted on Sep 18, 2014 by Helpful ElephantUsing Nginx serving Wordpress 4 (With HHVM of course)
Comment #8
Posted on Sep 25, 2014 by Happy BirdA quick update, just running through and it seems, at least for me, that with Nginx and HHVM, cloudflare is incorrectly detecting content-types which is why the images aren't showing up. When I switch the site over to php-fpm, everything works fine. Looking for a way to disable cloudflare, or correctly setup the system to detect properly. Any news from anyone?
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