
ID Status Summary
16 Invalid thinkbayes DocBook: <bar> tag has no effect Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: ensuremath seems to fail for inline formulas Type-Defect Priority-Medium
14 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: exercises should be labelled as exercises Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: cross references are redundant Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: one display equation has spurious commas Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: some display equations have spurious {{ Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: tables don't have lines Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: emphasis role=math does not yield italics Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 Invalid thinkbayes DocBook: paintball figure has dark background Type-Defect Priority-Medium
7 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: \p{} command yields huge inline formulas Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: display math is too small and looks terrible Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 Fixed thinkbayes DocBook: definition of exercise environment appears in the text Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 Done Patch for /trunk/thinkbayes/book.tex Type-Patch
3 Accepted Links have strange formatting, like this "❤tt♣✿✴✴❤♣✷✵✶✵" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
2 Done Remove sort side effect in thinkstats.Trim Type-Defect Priority-Medium
1 Done Broken link in the book Type-Defect Priority-Medium