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theunarchiver - issue #837

Enhancement: Prompt to overwrite previosly extracted folder rather than create folder-1 folder-2 folder-3...

Posted on Jun 25, 2015 by Happy Monkey

Non-saavy users often download and extract the same file multiple times, as in foobar-folder.zip, "foobar-folder (1).zip", "foobar-folder (2).zip"...

The problem of multiple identical downloads can be fixed by a chrome plugin which overwrites rather than numbering subsequent identically named downloads: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/downloads-overwrite-exist/fkomnceojfhfkgjgcijfahmgeljomcfk?hl=en-US

It would be nice for theunarchiver to have a similar option to overwrite a previously extracted foobar-folder, rather than create duplicate(s) "foobar-folder-1", foobar-folder-2, etc. Some sort of setting like:

If destination item already exists: (A.) prompt to overwrite. (B.) overwrite without warning, (C.) append a number to the destination (item-1). Right now it seems C is the default behavior. I may take a look at code to see about adding A and B options.

Comment #1

Posted on Jul 20, 2015 by Helpful Camel

The Unarchiver aims to be as streamlined as possible, so this has been intentionally designed this way.

Status: Invalid