
ID Status Summary
847 New The Archive Browser tries to Quick Look a document inside a password protected ZIP file without first asking the password
846 New Migrate Project Away from Google Code
845 Fixed opening winrar archives with password crashes the unarchiver
844 Fixed opening winzip files with compression results in a crash
843 New Crash SigSegv on 10.11 Beta x
842 New Office files cannot be QuickViewed in Yosemite 10.10.4 Frontend-TheArchiveBrowser
841 Fixed [patch] Crash in readCloneableMetadataFromPath Type-Defect Priority-Critical
840 Invalid Cannot check to unarchive Bzip2 file
839 Duplicate Unarchiver No Longer extracting files
838 Invalid "lsar -L" doesn't show timestamp, only format string
837 Invalid Enhancement: Prompt to overwrite previosly extracted folder rather than create folder-1 folder-2 folder-3...
836 Invalid help
835 Fixed New home ? Type-Defect Priority-High
834 New Unarchive always doe 755 permissions no matter what permission are the files archives
833 Duplicate TheUnarchiver only opens preferences
832 Invalid Cannot Unarchive File
831 Duplicate cannot use Archive Browser due to missing permissions in appstore version. non-appstore works fine
830 Duplicate Unarchiver doesn't remember when a folder has been OK'd as a destination.
829 Invalid SoftMaker Office
828 New Just stop working. Don't extract any more
827 Fixed Unarchiver marks files as directories
826 New Intermittent sandboxing error
825 Fixed .tb2 archive is un-bzip2ed but not un-tarred.
824 Invalid Zip Archive is checked by default, but zips are still associated with Archive Utility
823 Accepted Add zpaq support Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
822 Invalid Unexpectedly Quitting after Wrong Password
821 Invalid In preferences cannot get response when selecting/deselecting formats
816 New runtime exception
815 Fixed lsar: null pointer dereference in nsUTF8Prober::HandleData
814 Fixed unar: null pointer dereference on corrupted ARJ file
813 Fixed lsar: wrong date for ARJ archives
812 Invalid Can not extract Bluestacks.exe file
811 New rMBP 10.10.2 - Double Click on .ZIP Nothing Happens, No Launch Window, Program Dead
810 Duplicate The Unarchiver doesn't let me choose itself as a default archiver on Yosemite
809 Fixed Crashed when opening PAX archives
808 Duplicate The Unarchiver has sometimes problems unpacking multiple rar sets
807 Fixed Invalid zip extraction
806 Fixed Compile on FreeBSD
805 Duplicate File formats can't be deselected in the file type list
804 Invalid Setup.exe file does not run
803 Fixed The Archive Browser does not display a filetime of 0 correctly in a GZIP archive
802 Invalid The Archive Browser does not honor original filename field in a GZIP header
801 Duplicate Problems with OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite
800 duplicate Archive types association is broken in OS X 10.10
799 Duplicate Only a few file formats can be selected
798 Duplicate RAR Files on External Drive (BUG)
797 Duplicate into preferences the program Not respond to select all or deselect all items to unarchiver
796 New Ask for destination folder if no write permissions
795 Fixed rar (part 1-7) yosemite 10.10.1 problem (shut down) Type-Defect Priority-High Frontend-TheArchiveBrowser
794 Invalid Doesn't work on 10.10.1 - please remove from the App Store
793 Duplicate Unable to select or deselect archive formats in preferences Unarchiver 3.9.1 on Mac Pro (late 2013) running Yosemite.
792 Duplicate Cannot select/deselect archive type options
791 Duplicate I can not deselect or select the types of files
790 Duplicate Not possible to choose/add/remove extensions to decompress in preferences
789 Fixed Split archives with 7zip reported invalid
788 Invalid Cannot select Archive formats (Preferences)
787 Duplicate Can't use
786 Invalid Precision from my last bug report
785 Duplicate Not working good on Yosemite
784 Duplicate Under 10.10, the option "Archive Formats" can not be checked.
783 Duplicate Checkbox Selection in Preferences not work on OS X Yosemite
782 Duplicate App's option seem blocked in Yosemite (Mac OS 10.10) -
781 Duplicate Some Archive Formats not selectable
780 Duplicate Finder integration : Double-clicking an archive file associated with The Unarchiver does not extract it
779 Duplicate Archive Formats options cannot be changed
778 Invalid Yosemite bug for selecting additional file types
777 Duplicate don't work on os x yosemite.
776 Fixed Patch for /The Unarchiver/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings Type-Patch
775 Invalid Stop associating .exe with your program.
774 Duplicate Stop associating .exe with your program.
773 Invalid Stop associating .exe with your program.
772 Invalid Move project to GitHub
771 Invalid My wine Files are not working
770 Duplicate Hangs on more than 256-300 files
768 Invalid TheUnarchiver-3.9.1_legacy erroneously finds a particular file corrupted which works with TheUnarchiver-3.8_legacy
767 Invalid The icon for zip file does not change.
766 Invalid Rar files cannot unrar and says incomplete.
765 Invalid Error rar files
764 Invalid Unarchiver does not have permission to write to this folder
763 Fixed Spanish translation mistake "Preferences"
762 Invalid Cancel while extracting large VM Images split into multiple files
761 Duplicate Cannot unarchive an .exe file
760 Invalid Add full support for .exe Files
759 Fixed App fails code signature checking after extraction
758 New Preference window doesn't work on OS X 10.10 Yosemite Frontend-TheUnarchiver Frontend-TheArchiveBrowser
757 Invalid Unarchiver not working
756 Invalid folders with names upercase / lowercase get a -1 if same carakter is used
755 Invalid Feature request: make unar/lsar accept STDIN
754 Fixed GCC warnings that may lead to runtime issues with new GNUstep libraries
753 Fixed lsar JSON output is incorrect for double-format archives (.tar.gz, etc) Type-Defect Priority-High
752 Invalid I commented on this earlier and said I was having trouble. Smite is an online game and I tried to use the in archiver to decompress it and it wouldn't work
751 Invalid i can't download the exe file for smite it just doest work
750 Invalid Spotlight Search Icons replaced with TheUnarchiver Archive Icons
749 Invalid Better Feedback for missing rar parts
748 Fixed NSIS, empty directories are not created Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
747 Invalid At the end of the extract,the unarchiver stop working and the progress bar do not move
746 Invalid manage storage
745 Fixed [Ubuntu Linux] Quiet mode not actually quiet.
744 New Crash
743 Fixed Translation error