
ID Status Summary
2080 New http://goo.gl/iyClJ4 this links doesent works!
2079 New in sqlyog i select row and delete it but all rows being deleted automaticaly
2078 Invalid Updates are available ... for the lastest version
2076 New j
2075 New Editing a trigger CORRUPTS the quotes !
2074 Accepted Request: Filter/search Function For Connections
2073 Accepted SQLyog looks weird on high dpi display.
2072 Accepted Issue with multiline strings in text mode
2071 Fixed goo.gl shortlink Error
2070 Accepted SQLyog query editor doesn't behave same as other famous editors if word wrap is enabled and END key is pressed.
2069 Accepted Option to skip/cancel/interrupt session restore
2068 Accepted Replace in selected text.
2067 Accepted Request for a pop up dialog box for password in create connection.
2066 Accepted User request a module for toolbar customization
2065 Accepted Painting issue whne switching connections tabs in Wine
2064 Accepted Some icons don't display in Wine
2063 New Ctrl-X not cutting
2062 Accepted SSL settings in User Manager
2061 Fixed crash when importing new data to table from csv
2060 Fixed Wrong value in 'Total' label
2059 New visual glitch on dialog in manage indexes
2058 New "columns" dialog in manage indexes
2057 New Go to a specific table column (improvement)
2056 Fixed Create snapshot on source for Data SYnc
2055 Accepted Data Sync UDATES may fail on MySQL 5.6
2054 Fixed Application crashing when importing Data with CSV.
2053 Accepted Non-ascii cannot be typed drectly in GRID
2052 Accepted Object browser persistence for each query tab
2051 Invalid Cannot copy and paste in query editor after SQLyog v11.31 64-Bit [WIndows]
2050 Accepted Scroll is very slow and clunky in query tab level
2049 Accepted Schema Designer change all tables to standard view or column view
2048 Accepted Splitter settings are global but should be connection specific.
2047 Accepted SELECT DISTINCT statement from object browser context menu
2046 Accepted Formatter splits alias starting with a number
2045 Accepted RESULT tab of every QUERY tab (if populated) should memorize the last focus
2044 Accepted Focus will shift back to table data tab after the data is loaded when the focus is else where.
2043 Accepted Session Restore Enhancements
2042 Accepted Show SQLyog 32 / 64 Bit in the tittle bar.
2041 Accepted Add Default Value in Info tab for columns
2039 Accepted Header length should be considered when it is less than the data length in Table data/ Result tab.
2038 Verified Execution time and total time does not match with the messages tab
2037 Accepted Objecct Browser filter inconsistent wiht autocomplete
2036 Accepted Export the changes that are shown in Visual data Compare to excel
2035 Accepted Schema Synchronization Tool showing differences in database objects body with diff-highlighting.
2034 Accepted Different behavior of Connection restore
2033 Accepted Regular expression for Databases filter in connection manager.
2032 Invalid Running Sql Yog on My System
2031 Accepted Support for MemSQL
2030 Invalid 'save as' from the editor may be extremely slow.
2029 Accepted File-Save As dialog does not display current file name
2028 Accepted "Execute and edit result set" does not alwyas make sense
2027 Accepted Two encoding issues reported for Workbench
2026 Accepted In database sync Locking Reads are only released after the end of database sync.
2025 Accepted Requesting a font setting for the menu!
2024 Accepted Shortcut to copy all rows to clipboard using excel friendly options
2023 Invalid SQLyog UI freezes/hangs when viewing SNMPTT table data
2022 Accepted SQLyog 64 bit tells P_S that it is running on Windows 32 bit (x86)
2021 Accepted SQL awarenes in autocomplete
2020 Accepted Rename column with SQLyog altering the Foreign key automatically
2019 Accepted Problems with retina display on MAC and other high resolution displays
2018 Accepted Paste does not work blob.
2017 Accepted German Version of SQLyog
2016 Accepted SQLyog freezes when no drivers are installed for import external data.
2015 Accepted SQLyog is too aggressive and steals focus what it should not
2014 Accepted << and >> arrows do not work after changes made in Visual Data Comapre
2013 Accepted Error: Duplicate entry for primary key in Visual Data Comapre
2012 Accepted SQL preview repetitively appears and disappears in HTTP in visual data compare
2011 Accepted Letter cases in Menus & Captions
2010 Accepted Pasting SQL for View.
2009 Fixed SQL Yog Community keeps prompting me to download a newer version, but there is no newer version
2008 Accepted Trigger creation fails in schema sync
2007 Invalid vcfgfggfg
2006 Accepted "Updates Available" nag persists with latest version
2005 Duplicate everi start prompt me for new version available
2004 Accepted Request for handling multiple databases at a time in sync tools
2003 Accepted Add Notes in Connection Manager
2002 Invalid database
2001 Accepted Summary of problems/imperfections/requests for Formatter
2000 Accepted Make the content of error popups/messageboxes copy-able
1999 Accepted Total size of the database in Info Tab
1998 Accepted Drag and drop does not work in Query editor in wine.
1997 Accepted I think SET NAMES UTF8 should be a default Init_Command for new connections.
1996 Accepted Warnings in Create/Alter table.
1995 Invalid Error Code: 2006 - MySQL server has gone away.
1994 Accepted Shortcut for table data tab.
1993 Accepted Alt+F5 should always refresh table data tab.
1992 Accepted Smart Paste in Query editor
1991 Accepted Problem with strict SQL_mode in 'set to empty string' in GRID
1990 Accepted Generate INSERTS for selected rows
1989 Accepted Clean up code only used when server is < MySQL 4.1
1988 Accepted Tool-tip on column header
1987 Accepted Progress information whne executing multiple queries
1986 Accepted Whitespace characters
1985 Accepted Option not to save on row-focus change in GRID
1984 Accepted EXPLAIN EXTENDED is going to disappear
1983 Accepted paste row(s) into table from clipboard
1982 Accepted Add an option to display column comment in table data
1981 Accepted Auto-expand Columns width On Alter Table Tab
1980 Verified Version 11.26 x64 doesn't work in WINE