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spymemcached - issue #322

getBulk() doesn't use FailureMode

Posted on Jul 23, 2015 by Happy Dog

Setup: -multiple memcached servers -ConnectionFactory.setFailureMode(FailureMode.Cancel)

Conditions: -one of the memcached servers goes down, or is restarted

Observations: -single key operations are immediately canceled (throws a CancellationException) -multi-key operations (asyncGetbulk()) do not get cancelled. Instead they will timeout on the inactive node.

The cause seems to be the code in MemcachedClient.asyncGetBulk(): currently this code doesn't check the FailureMode value, only the node's active status. If a node is inactive, it emulates the Redistribute failure mode.

The attached patch checks the ConnectionFactory's failure mode, and emulates the behavior of MemcachedConnection.addOperation: -if the node is active or FailureMode is Retry, use the primary node -if the node is inactive and FailureMode is Cancel, don't create an operation (so no value will be returned) -otherwise, redistribute the key (current behavior)

This patch is not perfect: -it uses the ConnectionFactory failure mode, not the node's connection's FailureMode value (not visible); I'm pretty sure the values will be the same though. -it doesn't throw a CancellationException if the FailureMode is Cancel, and a node is inactive. This is a compromise. The code could throw a CancellationException when a node is down, but it seems very inefficient if a single key -out of many- is currently inaccessible. Instead, this change will cause in a "cache miss" for this key, but all the other values will be returned. If the code then tries to set the missing value.

This compromise is acceptable for us: we're looking for as little service impact as possible when one of our memcacehd servers goes down. The current behavior (timeout) causes a big pile-up and cascading timeouts.

Comment #1

Posted on Jul 23, 2015 by Happy Dog

I just realized another potential bug fixed by this patch: if FailureMode is set to Retry, and a node becomes inactive, the getBulk() methods will not use the primary node. Instead, they will behave like the Redistribute mode, potentially fetching the value from the wrong node. The patch should fix this issue, and retry on the primary node.

Comment #2

Posted on Jul 24, 2015 by Happy Dog

Re-logged in Couchbase's issue tracking, since apparently this one is obsolete: https://issues.couchbase.com/browse/SPY-188

Comment #3

Posted on Jul 24, 2015 by Happy Dog

(No comment was entered for this change.)


Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium