You can use the attached template to test this out. When you attempt to compile, the compiler chokes on the last close token (see attached stacktrace.
Adding a space (whitespace) after the token yields the same error.
Adding a newline will work, and cause the template to compile.
- nonewline.tmpl 202
- nonewlinestack.txt 1.82KB
Comment #1
Posted on Jun 30, 2008 by Helpful RabbitI guess I should be a responsible reporter :)
So far, I've only seen this for the tokens at end of file. If there is a token in last position, and it does not have a newline at end of line, then it barfs.
Currently, I am using the latest SVN version, labeled 0.7.6 in the source.
Comment #2
Posted on Jun 30, 2008 by Quick LionI see the problem. I maybe able to change the grammar to allow 'end of file' to close a directive. In the meantime, ending the directive with '#' will allow you to do this without a newline.
end def does not work.
end def# does.
Comment #3
Posted on Jul 2, 2008 by Helpful RabbitWorks like a charm.
Also, meant to say 0.7.2 in my version (0.7.6 is another thing I am working with).
Status: Accepted