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spitfire - issue #1

Tokens w/o newline choke

Posted on Jun 30, 2008 by Helpful Rabbit

You can use the attached template to test this out. When you attempt to compile, the compiler chokes on the last close token (see attached stacktrace.

Adding a space (whitespace) after the token yields the same error.

Adding a newline will work, and cause the template to compile.


Comment #1

Posted on Jun 30, 2008 by Helpful Rabbit

I guess I should be a responsible reporter :)

So far, I've only seen this for the tokens at end of file. If there is a token in last position, and it does not have a newline at end of line, then it barfs.

Currently, I am using the latest SVN version, labeled 0.7.6 in the source.

Comment #2

Posted on Jun 30, 2008 by Quick Lion

I see the problem. I maybe able to change the grammar to allow 'end of file' to close a directive. In the meantime, ending the directive with '#' will allow you to do this without a newline.

end def does not work.

end def# does.

Comment #3

Posted on Jul 2, 2008 by Helpful Rabbit

Works like a charm.

Also, meant to say 0.7.2 in my version (0.7.6 is another thing I am working with).

Status: Accepted

Type-Defect Priority-Medium 0.7.2