What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Reduce browser size to go into mobile mode 2. Go to Widgets 3. Click on Login Panel (or scroll down to Login Panel cell)
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The Login Panel and the Multi-Value Suggest Box cells overlap
Comment #1
Posted on Jun 12, 2011 by Quick CamelThis was a layout issue in the grid that only showed when there was a tall cell followed by a wide cell and the grid has only one column. I fixed this in the Sliding Grid project and then brought that fix into Spiffy UI.
Sending spiffyui\src\main\js\lib\slidegrid.js Sending spiffyui-app\src\main\resources\org\spiffyui\spsample\client\LicensePanel.html Sending spiffyui-app\src\main\resources\org\spiffyui\spsample\public\spsample_mobile.css Transmitting file data ... Committed revision 1247.
Status: Fixed