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spiffyui - issue #3

Choosing org.spiffyui in the project generator causes the content in the generated application to show up twice

Posted on May 28, 2011 by Quick Camel
  1. Go to SpiffyUI.org and run the sample project creator.
  2. Specify anything for a project name.
  3. Specify org.spiffyui for the package name.
  4. Generate your project, build, and run it.
  5. Access your project in the browser.

At this point you will see all of the content in the top page duplicated. We either need to figure out what is causing this or block users from choosing org.spiffyui as their package.

Comment #1

Posted on May 28, 2011 by Helpful Camel

The module is being loaded twice for some reason. I think we should prevent org.spiffyui from being allowed until further notice. Thanks, Irene!

Comment #2

Posted on Jun 2, 2011 by Quick Wombat

fixed, prevent package name to start with org.spiffyui since it causes issue in newly created project

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium