
ID Status Summary
38 New Username needs to be changed to two words as "User name" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
37 Fixed Spiffy UI should hide error messages when reloading the current window Type-Defect Priority-Medium
36 Fixed spiffyui.getDateFromShortTime always returns -1 Type-Defect Priority-Critical
35 Fixed Authentication servlet throws an exception when returning an invalid login error message on a server using Chinese Taiwan Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 Fixed Spiffy UI doesn't find resource file locales properly when they include the country code like SpiffyRsrc_zh_tw.properties Type-Defect Priority-Medium
33 Fixed Spiffy UI shouldn't reference jQuery using the $ variable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
32 Fixed The authentication servlet white list blocks URLs with port 80 if no port is specified Type-Defect Priority-Medium
31 Invalid mvn eclipse:eclipse doesn't work for packaging "spiffyui-war" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
30 Fixed NPE in GWTLocaleBundleFilter Type-Defect Priority-Medium
29 New IE8 problem - 'nodeType' is null or not an object Type-Defect Priority-Medium
28 Fixed Java 1.5 compatible Type-Defect Priority-Medium
27 Fixed Spiffy UI serves the incorrect date localization file in the Czech locale Type-Defect Priority-High
26 Fixed Spiffy UI sometimes throws java.util.ConcurrentModificationException Type-Defect Priority-Low
25 Fixed DatePickerTextBox throws NullPointerException if it gets a click even too soon Type-Defect Priority-Medium
24 Fixed JSDateUtil.format method does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
23 Fixed JSDateUtil.getOrdinalNumber does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
22 Fixed Number formatting error for decimals that start with 0 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
21 Fixed Method name incorrect in Slider getStringOption Type-Defect Priority-Medium
20 Fixed There should be a way to exclude JavaScript files from JSLint without adding options directly to the JSLint plugin Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
19 Fixed Spiffy UI Maven plugin throws NullPointerException if the Java compiler isn't found Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 New classpath problem in maven plugin Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 Fixed NPE in the maven plugin after adding the jaxb-api dependency Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 Fixed Spiffy UI Maven plugin compresses CSS into separate files Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 Fixed Time picker widget shows invalid times in Japanese and Chinese Type-Defect Priority-Medium
14 Fixed XSS vulnerability in spiffyui MessageUtil class Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 Fixed Scrolling in the index-test page causes JavaScript errors Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 Fixed Spiffy UI returns the wrong locale for English without a country code Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 Fixed Adding a sub-package to the client package in a Spiffy UI application causes the application to not load Type-Defect Priority-Critical
10 Fixed Spiffy_Session cookie name should be customizable Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
9 Fixed http://www.spiffyui.org on Windows XP running Chrome has very poor font hinting Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 Fixed Spiffy UI Maven plugin doesn't support GWT 2.3 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
7 Fixed Spiffy UI Maven plugin build fails if build group doesn't end in .client Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 Fixed Widgets panel in Mobile mode has overlapping cells Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 Fixed Table of contents overlays all of the text in mobile mode Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 Fixed Closing the long message panel on the widgets page causes the table of contents to overrun the grid Type-Defect Priority-Medium
3 Fixed Choosing org.spiffyui in the project generator causes the content in the generated application to show up twice Type-Defect Priority-Medium
2 Invalid Building Spiffy UI trunk with Maven fails with Failed to create assembly error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
1 Fixed No public-facing maven repository hosts spiffyui artifacts Type-Defect Priority-High