As long as I'm bugging you, I thought I'd throw in one, hopefully small, feature request.
The fonts currently seem to be missing an ellipsis … (U+2026). This is a commonly used bit of punctuation, and without it, I have to decide either to switch to another font to use it, or else, sloppily, use three dots ... instead. (Which, in the right software, if care is not taken, can end up getting split at line-end.)
I'd guess it would be pretty easy to add the ellipsis, since it's just three dots. In fact, I'm tempted to download FontForge and try it myself. But it would be nice if the the font hosted here had it.
Thanks for reading this, and thanks also for the great font!
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 9, 2009 by Massive BirdI'll try not to forget; to make ellipses I add something to a Python script to do it for me.
When I do make ellipses, my preference these days is to space them exactly as if they are 3 periods with normal spacing, so three periods would give the same results, more or less, if using TeX.
Comment #2
Posted on Dec 9, 2009 by Massive Bird(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #3
Posted on Dec 9, 2009 by Massive DogGreat, thanks.
Yes, in the meantime, I'm using the LaTeX code:
to change the normal ellipsis macro to one for an unbreakable set of three dots. Seems to be working pretty well.
Comment #4
Posted on Jan 10, 2010 by Massive Bird(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Fixed