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soc - issue #2643

"Seen by Org" doesn't track the "Ignored" status bit

Posted on Aug 18, 2015 by Massive Kangaroo

Please note that issues filed that do not follow this template will be marked as Invalid

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. I visited my dashboard and went to the URL below 2. 3.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

I'm expecting that "Seen by Org" will track the "Ignored" field that is listed in the "relationship to org" field on (some other page I don't recall offhand). That isn't the case. I'm showing as "No" when I think I should be "Yes". Several other folks are showing similarly.

On what URL are you testing (e.g. http://www.google- melange.com/gsoc/dashboard/google/gsoc2011)?


What version was the URL you tested at running (e.g. version 2-0-20111123-p2, see bottom of page)?

Version 2-1-20150730

Which browser were you using?

Firefox (latest)

When did you encounter the problem?

Now (9:30PM PxT on 17 Aug.

Please provide any additional information below.

Status: New
