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soc - issue #2642

Icons are not rendering

Posted on Aug 17, 2015 by Quick Rabbit

Please note that issues filed that do not follow this template will be marked as Invalid

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. 2. 3.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? While opening mentioned bellow link in the new version of the Chrome the icons located in the CONTACT box are not rendering. The icones are rendering very well in the other browsers. On what URL are you testing (e.g. http://www.google- melange.com/gsoc/dashboard/google/gsoc2011)? https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org2/google/gsoc2015/coreboot

What version was the URL you tested at running (e.g. version 2-0-20111123-p2, see bottom of page)? VERSION 2-1-20150730 Which browser were you using? Chrome When did you encounter the problem? A week ago. Please provide any additional information below. I have attached one screenshot have a look at it. And this problem is occurring while opening profile of any organization.


Comment #1

Posted on Aug 17, 2015 by Happy Rabbit

I'm unable to replicate this on multiple computers. I suspect it is the Adblock extension you have installed.

Status: NotRepeatable
