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ID Status Summary
137 New overwriting paste buffer
136 New Extra characters appear when snippet is inserted.
135 New RFE: DocBook Snippets (attached)
134 New invoking predefined abbreviation ends with a syntax error in Vim
133 New plugin raises error when used with existing map
132 New function contents are not indented
131 New s:StrLen() in snippetsEmu.vim do not measure correct length with character more than one byte compared to col()
130 New I modify c_snippets.vim and add cpp_snippets.vim
129 New sh_snippets additions
128 New extra spaces inserted when functions are used between escaped double quotes
127 Wontfix It seems impossible to type words starting with P in the snippets
126 Accepted Tag being skipped
125 Wontfix java, rails and html not recongnized
123 Duplicate Backslash \ at beginning of variable does not delete <{}>
122 Invalid where did my previous issue go? - problem with vimball on win32
121 Invalid Bug: using vimballs Usability
120 Accepted Please add helper to run snippets with selected text Type-Enhancement
119 Wontfix Snippet indentation not consistent with indentation settings
118 New Ruby's map snippet addition
117 New docbook snippet
116 Wontfix snippet trigger with { fails to expand
115 Invalid can't put a comma between start/end tags?
114 Wontfix Fixes for HTML snippets Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
113 Accepted Updating Django snippets for Django 1.0 release. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
112 Accepted Bad snippet for haskell Type-Defect Priority-Medium
111 Fixed Removing the last "" in a snippet macro causes it to break. Type-Defect Priority-High
110 Started snippets with & in vaue of tags' name dont'work Type-Defect Priority-High
109 Fixed Improve snippets for TeX/LaTeX. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
108 Fixed Add snippets for Lua. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
107 Fixed add snippets for Ruby rspec Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
106 New Snippets ruin YANK Type-Defect Priority-Medium
105 Wontfix ERROR when returning to snippets with default text inside start/end <{"default"}> Type-Defect Priority-Medium
104 Wontfix Snippet Learning Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
103 Wontfix Shift tab should go backwards through the jump sequence. Type-Defect Priority-Low
102 Wontfix Cannot use empty string start and end tags Type-Defect Priority-Low
101 Wontfix start and end tags left over when stopping half way Type-Defect Priority-Low
100 Wontfix Cannot name snippet variables started with "p" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
99 Duplicate SnipMapKeys error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
98 Wontfix Enhancement - command lists available snippets Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
97 Wontfix Cannot install snippetsemu on Windows Type-Defect Priority-Medium
96 Wontfix setting start and end tags to square brackets [] causes an error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
95 Accepted GetLatestVimScripts support Type-Task Priority-Medium
94 New Yankring 3.0 conflict Type-Defect Priority-Medium
93 Invalid .vimrc conflicts with snippets Type-Defect Priority-Medium
92 New License information not present in source Type-Other Priority-High
91 Fixed Nested snippets are broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
90 Wontfix Error detected while processing function Type-Defect Priority-Medium
89 Wontfix main produce "public main static void main..." with java_snippets.vim Type-Defect Priority-Medium
88 Fixed Error detected while processing function <SNR>47_SnipMapKeys: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
87 Fixed php include bug Type-Defect Priority-Medium
86 Fixed Wrong jumporder Type-Defect Priority-High
85 Fixed [C/C++ bundle] 'once' Snippet produces invalid macro names Type-Bundle-Update Priority-Medium
84 Fixed ASP snippets do not match filetype declaration Type-Defect Priority-Medium
83 Wontfix <JUNK> Type-Defect Priority-Medium
82 Fixed further problems with h/j/<Left>/<right> mappings Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Usability
81 Fixed Problem with Mapping Type-Defect Priority-Medium
80 Fixed SnippetsEmu jumps around on screen Type-Defect Priority-High
79 Fixed supertab + snippetsemu Type-Defect Priority-Medium
78 Fixed pyCleanupArgs leaves a leading comma Type-Defect Priority-Medium
77 Duplicate install snaffu Type-Defect Priority-Medium
76 Fixed 1.2 vimball will not source on *nix Type-Defect Priority-Low
75 Fixed Fixed a Couple C Snippets Type-Defect Priority-Low
74 Wontfix 'p' pasting problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
73 Fixed Improving Python support Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
72 Fixed C 'once' snipped doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Low
71 Fixed snippetsemu don't like h and l remappings Type-Defect Priority-Medium
70 Fixed SnippetsEmu and Rails Type-Defect Priority-Low
69 Wontfix NextHop problem when expanding named tags Type-Defect Priority-Low
68 New Is it possible to support textmate bundles? Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
67 Duplicate Trigger is not removed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
66 New Enhancement request, allow commands in more cases Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
65 Fixed Allow snippets to be removed. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
64 Accepted Same name, multiple snippets Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
63 Fixed Altering iskeyword has numerous disruptive side effects Type-Defect Priority-Medium
62 Fixed &quot;:&quot; immediately before start-tag causes improper replacement Type-Defect Priority-Medium
61 Fixed Snippets don't delete tagname Type-Defect Priority-Medium
60 Wontfix tabbing on variable names after exiting and reentering insertion mode causes errors Type-Defect Priority-Low
59 Fixed can't seem to get indentation right Type-Defect Priority-Low
58 New Different key to insert snippent and different to jump betwen „vars” Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
57 Wontfix not working for some snippets in Python Type-Defect Priority-Low
56 Accepted snippetsemu works great with supertab except tab forward of supertab screwed up Type-Defect Priority-Medium
55 Fixed Override bundled snippets with my own onew Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
54 Fixed DetectWinMode should only check for what it needs Type-Defect Priority-Low
53 Fixed typo in docs - snippets_emu-troubleshooting keyword Type-Other Priority-Medium
52 Fixed Not working when &quot;set sel=exclusive&quot; Type-Defect Priority-Medium
51 Fixed inserting real Tabs instead of a series of space when expand tab is set (python snippet) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
50 Accepted Can't get snippets to work at all Type-Defect Priority-Medium
49 Invalid Tag not being selected Type-Defect Priority-Low
48 Wontfix and the end of a snippet? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
47 Fixed Default start and end tags fail when enc=utf-8 (OSX 10.4) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
46 Fixed Single quotes not escaped properly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
45 Fixed Make a decision on auto-indenting Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
44 Fixed Entering * in the replacement text results in buggy behavior Type-Defect Priority-Medium
43 Fixed PyInitVars is broken in 1.0.1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
42 Fixed Error if &lt;Plug&gt;Jumper defined and SuperTab isn't installed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
41 Fixed Jumper gets stuck on certain tags Type-Defect Priority-Low
40 Fixed Can't input % as first character of tag Type-Defect Priority-Low
39 Fixed SetCom would be better with ignorecase set Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 Wontfix Snippets sets &quot;iskeyword&quot; breaking word jumping and word completion Type-Defect Priority-Low
37 Fixed Last search gets lost when snippet is expanded Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium