See attachment for a modified version of decrypt that doesn't require originalsize as a parameter.
- decrypt.js 2.28KB
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 12, 2010 by Swift RabbitComment deleted
Comment #2
Posted on Feb 12, 2010 by Swift RabbitThis fix did not work correctly with the following test vectors:
PT as Hex: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff Key as Hex (128 Bit): 0f1571c947d9e8590cb7add6af7f6798 IV as Hex: d1671e68ea1f0f231918309301d36a49 Mode: CBC
Encrypted: 83242e768abc01dc0be13f58adfc545e Decrypted: [Empty]
ByteArray returned by Decrypt() after applying this version is empty [].
Comment #3
Posted on Dec 28, 2010 by Massive GiraffePerhaps I'm missing something due to my lack of knowledge in the area, but if you pad it you don't need to know the size and can pass in None for it?
Most messages could be padded I would say without a big performance hit; but then I was thinking about padding files and that they would double in size.
Then I thought to myself, if you read in chunks of 16, when you get one that is less than 16 you know it is the end of the file and pad it. Then during decryption you can just divide the total size by 16 and on the last one try to un-pad it, if it fails catch the exception and leave it alone because that should mean the original file was a multiple of 16 and wasn't padded at all.
But maybe I'm missing something. And yes I know this was over a year ago. Just writing this in case someone else stumbles upon it.
Comment #4
Posted on Dec 28, 2010 by Quick PandaYou can certainly decrypt AES messages without knowing the original size of the message. Implementations in other libraries do not require it as a parameter. I don't know why my change fails with the given test vectors... I never looked into it. I no longer work for the company that was using this library, and I don't even know whether they are still using it or not either. If someone else wants to try to fix up the method to work without originalSize, go ahead.
Comment #5
Posted on Mar 4, 2011 by Quick Panda/* This is a pretty naive change that I haven't tested yet, it appears like it might work, this assumes an 16byte block size. */ else if(mode == this.modeOfOperation.CBC) { output = this.aes.decrypt(ciphertext, key, size); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) byteArray[i] = ((firstRound) ? iv[i] : input[i]) ^ output[i]; firstRound = false; for(var k = 0;k < end-start;k++) bytesOut.push(byteArray[k]); var padByte = -1; var padCount = 0; for (var k = bytesOut.length - 1; k > bytesOut.length - 8; k--) { if (bytesOut[k] < 16) { if (padByte == -1) padByte = bytesOut[k]; if (bytesOut[k] != padByte) { padCount = 0; break; } padCount++; } else { break; } if (padCount == padByte) break; } if (padCount > 0) bytesOut.length = bytesOut.length - padCount; input = ciphertext;
Comment #6
Posted on Mar 4, 2011 by Quick PandaHmm, that doesn't look correct, need to move the padding check out of the for loop... but the concept is sound...
Comment #7
Posted on Mar 4, 2011 by Quick PandaOk, I made a proper diff against the current trunk version.
I also removed the required keysize argument.
Is there any reason to return all the input arguments from encrypt() and not just the cipherOut? Seems pretty silly.
- aes.js.diff 2.08KB
Comment #8
Posted on Mar 7, 2011 by Quick PandaWow, it's even more broken than I thought... padding needs to occur at the end of bytesIn, not on every block (if bytesIn % 16 == 0, then other decryptors may fail [e.g. c#, java])--if anyone is interested, I'll post up a new diff, but this project seems somewhat dead.
Comment #9
Posted on Mar 8, 2011 by Quick PandaI committed r39 which should fix this
Status: Fixed