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sitemap-generators - issue #6

Migrated bug: "Pre-Notification Verification Does Not Honor 302 Redirects" reported by jareddunne on 2006-02-01

Posted on Aug 13, 2007 by Swift Bird

Original bug listed here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1421981&group_id=137793&atid=739383

Steps to Reproduce: 1) Setup a web server so that http://www.mysite.com/sitemap.xml.gz 302 redirects to http://www.anothersite.com/www.mysite.com/sitemap.xml.gz (I'll call this the REDIRECT_LOCATION). 2) Create a config xml file with some URLs and the config values: suppress_search_engine_notify="0", base_url="http://www.mysite.com&quot;, verbose="1" store_into="<webserver path to REDIRECT_LOCATION>" 3) Run the generator.

Expected Results / Output: Generator runs, creates sitemap, and notifies Google with no warnings/errors. ie: Notifying search engines. Notifying: www.google.com

Actual Results / Output: Generator runs, creates sitemap, and outputs errors before notifying Google. ie: Notifying search engines. [ERROR] When attempting to access our generated Sitemap at the following URL: http://www.mysite.com/sitemap.xml.gz we failed to read it. Please verify the store_into path you specified in your configuration file is web-accessable. Consult the FAQ for more information. [WARNING] Proceeding to notify with an unverifyable URL. Notifying: www.google.com

Note on 302 Redirects: Google Sitemaps honors 302 redirects to sitemaps, so the Generator should too. This is used in our company to host all our client-site's sitemaps on one webserver instead having to move each individual sitemap onto the client's server.

Status: Accepted

Type-Defect Priority-Medium