What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Shedskin the example code with -e option. 2. Run make.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Errors are:
error: declaration of '__ss_layer_LayerObjectType' with C language linkage conflicts with declaration in global scope PyTypeObject __ss_layer_LayerObjectType = { ^ ./layer.hpp:50:21: note: declared in global scope here extern PyTypeObject __ss_layer_LayerObjectType; ^
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
SHED SKIN Python-to-C++ Compiler 0.9.4 on OSX 10.10.1
Please provide any additional information below.
class Layer(): def init(self, dimensions, scale): pass
class Layers(): def init(self, dimensions, scale): pass
if name == 'main': a = Layer((100, 100, 3), 0.5) b = Layers((100, 100, 3), 0.5)
Status: New