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sfepy - issue #93

unify/improve handling of material parameters in terms

Posted on Jul 13, 2009 by Massive Hippo

Some terms support constant parameters, some support parameters in mesh vertices, some support whaterver... it's quite a mess, that increases the number of terms significantly too.

All this should be encapsulated in a class, that would provide parameter values in points in space and time as necessary.

For speed reasons, cython implementation might be required, but let us start with a pure python version first.

Comment #1

Posted on Sep 3, 2009 by Massive Hippo

Done. All material parameters are now evaluated in quadrature points. There is also new material syntax (shown in the long form):

material_10 = { 'name' : 'm', 'region' : 'SomeRegion', 'values' : { # This gets tiled to all physical QPs (constant function) 'val' : [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], # This does not - '.' denotes a special value, e.g. a flag. '.val0' : [0.0, 0.1, 0.0], }, }

material_3 = { 'name' : 'm', 'region' : 'SomeRegion, 'function' : 'some_function', }

def some_function(ts, coor, region, ig, mode=None): out = {} if mode == 'qp': out['val'] =

Comment #2

Posted on Jan 30, 2012 by Massive Hippo

Migrated to http://github.com/sfepy/sfepy/issues/95

Status: Migrated

Type-Defect Priority-High