Some terms support constant parameters, some support parameters in mesh vertices, some support whaterver... it's quite a mess, that increases the number of terms significantly too.
All this should be encapsulated in a class, that would provide parameter values in points in space and time as necessary.
For speed reasons, cython implementation might be required, but let us start with a pure python version first.
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 3, 2009 by Massive HippoDone. All material parameters are now evaluated in quadrature points. There is also new material syntax (shown in the long form):
material_10 = { 'name' : 'm', 'region' : 'SomeRegion', 'values' : { # This gets tiled to all physical QPs (constant function) 'val' : [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], # This does not - '.' denotes a special value, e.g. a flag. '.val0' : [0.0, 0.1, 0.0], }, }
material_3 = { 'name' : 'm', 'region' : 'SomeRegion, 'function' : 'some_function', }
def some_function(ts, coor, region, ig, mode=None): out = {} if mode == 'qp': out['val'] =
Comment #2
Posted on Jan 30, 2012 by Massive HippoMigrated to
Status: Migrated