What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Have a display with more than one screen 2. ./xdotool search 'window-name-on-screen-other-than-0'
What is the expected output? the window id matching search string What do you see instead? no results found
What version of the product are you using? 20090815 On what operating system? ubuntu jaunty
Please provide any additional information below: Getting the default root window based on the $DISPLAY string is much better than hardcoding zero. This way if $DISPLAY is :0.1 the user will search screen 1, instead of forcing screen :0.0
Ideally searching all displays would be a great option.
8<---------------------------------------------------------- --- xdo.c 2009-08-16 11:16:12.000000000 +1200 +++ xdo.c.defxroot 2009-09-12 21:59:43.000000000 +1200 @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ *nwindows = 0; *windowlist = malloc(matched_window_list_size * sizeof(Window));
- _xdo_get_child_windows(xdo, RootWindow(xdo->xdpy, 0), max_depth,
- _xdo_get_child_windows(xdo, XDefaultRootWindow(xdo->xdpy), max_depth, &total_window_list, &ntotal_windows, &window_list_size); for (i = 0; i < ntotal_windows; i++) { 8<----------------------------------------------------------
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 1, 2010 by Happy CamelI think this is a dup of issue 11. Merging these together.
Status: Duplicate