What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. activate Caps Lock 2. xdotool type "ABC" 3. you got "abc"
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? "ABC"
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Any platform.
Please provide any additional information below. in xdo.c, in xdo_type, Replace ln 565 & 569: if (shiftcode > 0) into if ((shiftcode == 0) ^ IsCapsLockPressed()) and implement IsCapsLockPressed()...
Additional: Would NumsLock has some similiar effects? for now I don't think so, however not very sure.
Comment #1
Posted on May 11, 2009 by Happy CamelConfirmed. I'll work on a patch for capslock.
Comment #2
Posted on May 11, 2009 by Happy CamelFYI, it's not as simple as you propose.
Caps lock only affects letters (on my US keyboard), not numbers or symbols. Example, a -> A if caps lock is on, but 3 does not become #.
Anyone with an international keyboard want to chime in about the behavior during capslock? (keyboard only, not with xdotool)
Comment #3
Posted on Jul 2, 2009 by Happy CamelActually, this might be related to http://code.google.com/p/semicomplete/issues/detail?id=6
Comment #4
Posted on Feb 26, 2010 by Happy CamelNo response about international keyboards, so I will only implement support for US letters a-z when capslock is enabled.
Let me know if you have other input.
Comment #5
Posted on Feb 26, 2010 by Happy CamelOh nevermind, I was ignoring the obvious ability to turn off capslock while we are running xdotool.
I'm working on a fix now that patches --clearmodifiers to also disable capslock
Comment #6
Posted on Feb 26, 2010 by Happy CamelFixed in svn r2663
Status: Fixed