salesforce-python-toolkit - issue #18
It is not clear how the timezone is handled. Returned date times have no tzinfo set hence it is impossible to know what to do
s = s.login(ep['username'], ep['password'], ep['secret_key']) d = s.queryAll("select CREATEDDATE, LASTMODIFIEDDATE from opportunity where id='id'")
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I expected the dates to be in UTC all the time. However there is no tzinfo set on them and they appear to be detecting the client timezone somehow. This is making it impossible to write a client that needs to work on multiple timezones.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? I tried both mac and Ubuntu.
Please provide any additional information below. Any place to look for specifically, I can try and create a patch for this.
Status: New