ruckusing - issue #1
Logging system should attempt to create "logs" directory if it does not exist.
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Checkout the toolkit. 2. execute "php main.php db:setup" 3. the task will bitch about mkdir() and some file existing.
The problem is that a "logs" directory does not exist in the top level directory. I checked in an empty "logs" directory into SVN, so this should be a non-issue for all new-comers.
However, the logging system should automatically create the directory if it needs to (assuming it has permissions to do so). It shouldnt have to exist prior to invocation.
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 5, 2007 by Swift GiraffeFixed. I added logic to:
- create the logs directory if it does not exist
- if it does exist, check for write permissions.
Status: Fixed