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ruckusing - issue #1

Logging system should attempt to create "logs" directory if it does not exist.

Posted on Sep 4, 2007 by Swift Giraffe

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Checkout the toolkit. 2. execute "php main.php db:setup" 3. the task will bitch about mkdir() and some file existing.

The problem is that a "logs" directory does not exist in the top level directory. I checked in an empty "logs" directory into SVN, so this should be a non-issue for all new-comers.

However, the logging system should automatically create the directory if it needs to (assuming it has permissions to do so). It shouldnt have to exist prior to invocation.

Comment #1

Posted on Sep 5, 2007 by Swift Giraffe

Fixed. I added logic to:

  • create the logs directory if it does not exist
  • if it does exist, check for write permissions.

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium