A quick review of the source reveals that the game is implemented as a console application that reads from stdin and writes to stdout.
I was expecting something like one of the following: 1. a loopback image containing a novel arrangement of files making up the game. 2. a novel mount command? 3. an interesting FUSE filesystem. 4. etc
I expect that any of those implementations of the game could then be navigated and "played" using the user's own favorite filesystem tools.
In this way, power users could win more quickly. :) (I know how to use find!)
I'll assume implementation type #3 here... Your filesystem could track and log each IO call as a 'move'. When users win the game, they could publish their log. Shortest sequence of moves to find the magic file wins. So, find /mnt/rpg -name "secret_file.txt" might win every time, but it would NOT be the shortest sequence of moves. :)
I hope this helps.
Status: New