
ID Status Summary
67 New Numbers entered aginst a String literal are not parsed back from Json Type-Defect Priority-Medium
66 New compilation fails with 1.6.4 GWT final release Type-Defect Priority-Medium
65 New Json Serialization does not support more than 1 super class. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
64 New Rocket gwt compilation is broken for GWT 1.6.0 milestone 1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
63 New Can it be used without the implementation of JsonSerializable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
62 New Subclasses of serialization factories should inherit the superclasses readable and writeable types. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
61 New Rocket serialization compiler errors out if class to be serialized contains a non-transient enum type field. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
60 New Rocket serialization compiler does not allow for List interface to be used. I suspect it doesn't allow any of the collection interfaces, such as Map, Set, etc. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
59 Fixed Constructor of Throwable replacement is incorrect Type-Defect Priority-Medium
58 New Import of JUnit when compiling JsonRpcClient code Type-Defect Priority-Medium
57 New CometServerServlet - provide onConnectionEnded hook Type-Defect Priority-Medium
56 New Use logger instead of printStackTrace to syso. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
55 New Comet problems with IE - leaving page before comet registration finishes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
54 New Broken Comet connections with IE - polling not always stopped Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 New Unable to specify extra paramters sent to comet servlet Type-Defect Priority-Medium
52 New Please provide small jars per module Type-Defect Priority-Medium
51 New API is not well designed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
50 Accepted Rocket Comet Type-Defect Priority-Medium
49 Invalid Package name typo 'rocket.generator.rebind.packagee' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
48 Fixed Memory Leak in CompositePanel.onDetach() Type-Defect Priority-Medium
47 Fixed Including rocket.jar as a resource of a GWT 1.5 project crashes compiler Type-Defect Priority-Medium
46 Invalid ContextMenu is displaced along the Y axis in IE7 if HnTML page contais something other than the GWT application Type-Defect Priority-Medium
45 Invalid rocket IoC isn't supported Localization.... Type-Defect Priority-Medium
44 Fixed Error in the code of wiki Type-Defect Priority-Medium
43 Accepted Refactor Json serialization classes so they share a common interface and factory as the java serialization. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
42 Fixed Unable to set properties upon Nested(anonymous) FactoryBeans. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
41 Fixed Allow MethodInterceptors to proceed a call multiple times Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
40 Invalid Enter one-line summary Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 Fixed aspects on rpc services don't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 Verified Add overloaded methods of open() in ContextMenu to specify where to open the menu Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
37 Invalid drag splitter enhancement Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
36 Invalid Third+ tab opens from the right instead of left Type-Defect Priority-Medium
35 Invalid Wiki for Comet doesn't make sense Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 Verified have real jsonrpc POST support , compatible with the jsonrpc protocol eg. used by the jsonrpc java bridge from Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
33 Verified Getting Started Guide Type-Defect Priority-Medium
32 Fixed rocket.selection.test.selection fails on Mac Type-Defect Priority-Medium
31 Duplicate rocket.remoting.Remoting.gwt.xml forgot generator entry for rocket.remoting.client.RemoteJsonService Type-Defect Priority-Medium
30 Fixed rocket.remoting.Remoting.gwt.xml forgot generator entry for rocket.remoting.client.RemoteJsonService Type-Defect Priority-Medium
29 Invalid Error in Java-Script-Compiler with GWT 1.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
28 Invalid The constructor StackTraceElement(String, String, String, int) is undefined Type-Defect Priority-Medium
27 Fixed StyleHelper.removeInlineStyleProperty throws exception in IE7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
26 Invalid StyleHelper.removeInlineStyleProperty Type-Defect Priority-Medium
25 Verified ENH Create ant build file to take care of releasing. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
24 Verified ENH Change SortableTable rows List api. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
23 Fixed Warning of source integrity in rocket-0.23b.jar file - rocket requires jdk/jre 1.5+ Type-Other Priority-Medium
22 Verified ENH Create an abstraction to make it easier to deal with the box model - primarily positioning in a browser neutral manner Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
21 Verified ENH Remove fixed gwt widgets from rocket eg DialogBox Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
20 Accepted ENH Make emulated Collection class iterators fail fast. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
19 Fixed DEF Cleanup / remove GWT stylenames from Rocket widgets. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 Fixed ENH Calendar widget Type-Enhancement
17 Verified ENH A resizable panel which includes handles which allow a user to resize the child widget. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
16 Fixed ENH Support for Browser Selection/Range abstractions Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
15 Accepted Create a new table widget which includes support for fixed columns/rows whilst allow the user to scroll the remaining viewport. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
14 Verified AutoCompleteTextBox select all text when drop down list is invisible not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 Invalid Widget borken in Firefox Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 Verified ContextMenu with GWT's Tree Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 Verified Splitter widget in two flavours Horizontal/Vertical Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
10 Fixed SortableTable contains no means to retrieve the value object given a physical table row. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
9 Fixed Groups: Forum link broken on the Project Home page Type-Task Priority-Medium
8 Accepted Keyboard support for widgets. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
7 Fixed Horizontal/Vertical Slider clicking in slider area. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
6 Fixed Slider thumb dragging is broken when browser client area has been scrolled Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 Accepted TabBar spinner Widget Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
4 Accepted Add support for a different tab bar panel Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
3 Fixed Broken coordinate calculation of sub menu lists when browser is scrolled. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
2 Verified Slow sorting within SortableTable widget. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
1 Fixed Potential style sheet conflicts Type-Defect Priority-Medium