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rna-star - issue #6

STAR does not have any command line help

Posted on Jun 6, 2013 by Swift Wombat

The STAR command is not very helpful. This will annoy potential users. Especially as the documentation is a PDF, and the src/ distribution doesn't even include it. An ASCII README for basic usage and some pointers to the documentation.


EXITING because of fatal input ERROR: could not open readInFile=Read1

% STAR -h % STAR --help

EXITING: FATAL INPUT ERROR: empty value for paramter "-h" in input "Command-Line-Initial" SOLUTION: use non-empty value for this parameter

Comment #1

Posted on Jun 8, 2013 by Happy Ox

Thanks for this suggestion, I will include some help info in the next release.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium