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ID Status Summary
215 WontFix Not able to open RCQ's saved with 2.4 rest client on 3.2.2 restclient version Type-Defect Priority-Medium
214 New rest-client sometimes does not respect the clipboard (Ctrl+C) contents on X windows Type-Defect Priority-Medium
213 New Copy/paste to URL in X-windows (via PRIMARY selection) doesn't work. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
212 Invalid Is there way, where I can see Response in Json format with Response Content-Type Header as "application/json" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
211 Invalid Set-Cookie response header not shown with rest-client api Type-Defect Priority-Medium
210 New Error displaying request header values in Header table Type-Defect Priority-Medium
209 Invalid INFO: Cannot load Proxy options from properties Type-Defect Priority-Medium
208 New Add a comments tab to application Type-Defect Priority-Medium
207 New support sending chunked data in the request Type-Defect Priority-Medium
206 Fixed SslReqBean keyStore and trustStore type should be Type-Defect Priority-Medium
205 Invalid Request-fail with whitespace in URL Type-Defect Priority-Medium
204 Invalid “ RESTClient” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
203 Fixed NFE in cli when RESTClient cli is run fresh (~/.rest-client/ does not exist) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
202 Invalid Json Response should always json indent and json colour the response body Type-Defect Priority-Medium
201 Fixed NumberFormatException Cannot load Proxy options from properties Type-Defect Priority-Medium
200 Fixed HTML Syntax color patch Type-Defect Priority-Medium
199 WontFix Copy selected header value Type-Defect Priority-Medium
198 Fixed Body length status message throws NPE when body is not available Type-Defect Priority-Medium
197 New Huge response stuck the ui when "Default enable Response Body syntax coloring" is enable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
196 Fixed When RESTClient is opened with history filled in url field, the size of UI spreads across to fit the content of url Type-Defect Priority-Medium
195 Accepted Show line numbers Type-Defect Priority-Medium
194 Invalid Enhancement - Allow saving of entire raw HTTP response Type-Defect Priority-Medium
193 Fixed tests fails on windows Type-Defect Priority-Medium
192 Fixed HTML Indentation enhancement patch Type-Defect Priority-Medium
191 Fixed "Indent JSON" corrupts results with many decimals Type-Defect Priority-Medium
190 Fixed XML-Indentation changes encoding to UTF-16 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
189 Invalid Mac client "damaged" will not run on Mavericks Type-Defect Priority-Medium
188 WontFix Custom Content-Type gets overwritten Type-Defect Priority-Medium
187 Invalid "" is damaged Type-Defect Priority-Medium
186 Duplicate history.xml fails to load, and crashes program Type-Defect Priority-Medium
185 Duplicate hangs on startup with corrupt windows C:\Users\user\.rest-client\history.xml Type-Defect Priority-Medium
184 Duplicate Program does not start. Only the start up picture appears. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
183 Verified IDN URLs after application restart Type-Defect Priority-Medium
182 Accepted Fails to start - just has splash screen up and progresses no further Type-Defect Priority-Medium
181 Accepted Groovy test scripts must support external Jars Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
180 Fixed How set a Http/Https proxy in CLI rest-client ? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
179 Duplicate RESTClient never starts Type-Defect Priority-Medium
178 Fixed Support p12 certificate Type-Defect Priority-Medium
177 Invalid HostnameVerifier trusting all hosts Type-Defect Priority-Medium
176 Fixed Slow scrolling speed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
175 Fixed Persist drop-down list of URLs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
174 Invalid Enhancement : automatic response body indent and syntax coloring Type-Defect Priority-Medium
173 Verified Add IDN support Type-Defect Priority-Medium
172 Invalid restclient crashes on start Type-Defect Priority-Medium
171 Fixed Response body in HEX format Type-Defect Priority-Medium
170 Done OS X App app does not run Type-Defect Priority-Medium
169 Invalid Can't parse ODATA Queries in URL Type-Defect Priority-Medium
168 New Support for SOCKS proxy Type-Defect Priority-Medium
167 Duplicate url view option Type-Defect Priority-Medium
166 Invalid Unable to send a POST rest URL with JSON body Type-Defect Priority-Medium
165 Fixed Charset for String body not correct Type-Defect Priority-Medium
164 Fixed Allow sending a request without a charset Type-Defect Priority-Medium
163 Fixed Enhancement: Save response body as file available for CLI Type-Defect Priority-Medium
162 Invalid Set-Cookie response header not being displayed in the the rest client Type-Defect Priority-Medium
161 Fixed Double request send when pressing Return instead of the Go! button Type-Defect Priority-Medium
160 WontFix save none binary body Type-Defect Priority-Medium
159 Fixed History of last 5 calls Type-Defect Priority-Medium
158 Fixed Apostrophe in tag content displays incorrect characters when auto ident turned on Type-Defect Priority-Medium
157 Fixed View response size Type-Defect Priority-Medium
156 Fixed Enhancement: Simple mechanism to copy a cookie from a reply to the next request(s) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
155 Fixed Cannot open saved request with DIGEST auth Type-Defect Priority-Medium
154 New send multiple request at a time Type-Defect Priority-Medium
153 Fixed Mac build does not open in Mountain Lion Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-OSX
152 Invalid restclient 2.5 always response 301. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
151 Fixed Cannot build from source Type-Defect Priority-Medium
150 WontFix Trust Self signed certificate not saved to the request rcq/xml Type-Defect Priority-Medium
149 Fixed Body content type does not get saved when saving request Type-Defect Priority-Medium
148 WontFix Optimise persistence format, remove backward compatibility gracefully Type-Defect Priority-Medium
147 Fixed DELETE should support body entity Type-Defect Priority-Medium
146 Fixed Enhancement: Improve history support for requests when closing and opening client Type-Defect Priority-Medium
145 Verified Add BEARER authentication scheme to Authorization header Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
144 Fixed Add support for TLS mutual authentication (SSL client certificate auth) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
143 Fixed Cannot perform rest calls to a server using a self-signed cerfiticate Type-Defect Priority-Medium
142 Invalid How to run Google API provisioning queries as beginner Type-Defect Priority-Medium
141 Fixed Test Result Failures and Error sub-tabs don't clear on success Type-Defect Priority-Medium
140 Fixed cli-2.3.3 Throws Exceptions on test case assert resulting in no .rcs file Type-Defect Priority-Medium
139 WontFix How to run the command-line in VBA? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
138 Fixed new feature: remember recent files Type-Defect Priority-Medium
137 Fixed Ability to handle cookies Type-Defect Priority-Medium
136 Fixed DIGEST authentication problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
135 Fixed peer not authenticated error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
134 Invalid Protocol message tag had invalid wire type when use application/x-protobuf Type-Defect Priority-Medium
133 Fixed No test summary with CLI version running on Linux Type-Defect Priority-Medium
132 Fixed Base64 encoding wrong/different than expected Type-Defect Priority-Medium
131 Fixed Enable copying response headers Type-Defect Priority-Medium
130 Invalid is there a way to test asynchronous response handling using REST client? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
129 Invalid PUT adds an unwanted "Expect:100-continue" header Type-Defect Priority-Medium
128 WontFix Can <test-script> use <![CDATA[]]> to enclose Java code for readability? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
127 WontFix Interface should be removed from IPv6 Address before setting host header Type-Defect Priority-Medium
126 WontFix Implement Authorization OAuth (Open Authorization) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
125 Fixed New Feature: Choose to follow redirects or not Type-Defect Priority-Medium
124 Fixed RESTView Patch: Treat +xml media type suffix as XML & invoke URL on Enter Type-Defect Priority-Medium
123 Verified If there is no "Content-Type" header, it throws "Null charset name" Exception Type-Defect Priority-Medium
122 Verified a request which causes a response with http status 404 and an empty response body causes an IllegalArgumentException Type-Defect Priority-Medium
121 Invalid JSON preview in response body Type-Defect Priority-Medium
120 Fixed java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null charset name when servers returns a 200 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
119 Invalid Warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version Type-Defect Priority-Medium
118 Invalid Line numbers in test script editor Type-Defect Priority-Medium
117 Fixed Options for syntax highlighting on long response bodies. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
116 Verified Null charset issue on a 401 Unauthorized response Type-Defect Priority-Medium