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redis - issue #666

Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused

Posted on Apr 14, 2012 by Massive Rhino

Hi Redis Core Team,

In order to feel the power of redis, I have already set up a security group with the port 6379 in amazon ec2.

Under the redis-stable/src directory in my ec2 instance via either putty.exe or nxclient, I have tried to start the redis console by using redis-cli , redis-cli -p 3000 -h my ip address, redis-cli -p 6379 -h my ip address, redis-cli -p 80 -h , redis-cli -p 3000 -h and redis-cli -p 6379 -h , redis-cli -p 3000 and redis-cli -p 6379...

But all in vain. All I got is the message below: Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused not connected>

And when I use redis-cli -p 80 -h my ip address and redis-cli -p 80, I can log in, but when I type "ping" to see if it works or not. I got the message below: Error: Protocol error, got "<" as reply type byte

Kindly wonder what I have done wrong. Any help appreciated here please. Thanks.

Comment #1

Posted on Apr 15, 2012 by Happy Ox
  1. Bugs are no longer maintained here, they are maintained: https://github.com/antirez/redis/issues
  2. You are not experiencing a bug, you are just trying to use Redis incorrectly (you probably haven't started Redis up, which is why the client is not able to connect).
  3. You should be posting on https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/redis-db to get help, not on a bug tracker.

Comment #2

Posted on Aug 5, 2014 by Grumpy Elephant

Comment deleted

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium