redis - issue #666
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
Hi Redis Core Team,
In order to feel the power of redis, I have already set up a security group with the port 6379 in amazon ec2.
Under the redis-stable/src directory in my ec2 instance via either putty.exe or nxclient, I have tried to start the redis console by using redis-cli , redis-cli -p 3000 -h my ip address, redis-cli -p 6379 -h my ip address, redis-cli -p 80 -h , redis-cli -p 3000 -h and redis-cli -p 6379 -h , redis-cli -p 3000 and redis-cli -p 6379...
But all in vain. All I got is the message below: Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused not connected>
And when I use redis-cli -p 80 -h my ip address and redis-cli -p 80, I can log in, but when I type "ping" to see if it works or not. I got the message below: Error: Protocol error, got "<" as reply type byte
Kindly wonder what I have done wrong. Any help appreciated here please. Thanks.
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 15, 2012 by Happy Ox- Bugs are no longer maintained here, they are maintained: https://github.com/antirez/redis/issues
- You are not experiencing a bug, you are just trying to use Redis incorrectly (you probably haven't started Redis up, which is why the client is not able to connect).
- You should be posting on https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/redis-db to get help, not on a bug tracker.
Comment #2
Posted on Aug 5, 2014 by Grumpy ElephantComment deleted
Status: New