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redis - issue #660

setex silent data loss when using unix time for expiration value

Posted on Sep 11, 2011 by Quick Ox

Setex specifies that the expiration value is a delta in seconds. However, it is easy to pass an absolute timestamp by mistake.

If this happens then redis accepts the command, however it does not store anything:

pie@reactor ~ % irb irb(main):001:0> Time.now.to_i + 1000 => 1315722345

pie@reactor ~ % redis-cli -p 5011 redis> setex foo 1315722345 1 OK redis> get foo (nil) redis> setex foo 1000 1 OK redis> get foo "1"

Using redis 2.2.12 on freebsd 8.2. This is a 32-bit system.

Comment #1

Posted on Sep 12, 2011 by Grumpy Dog

Hello, this is a bug indeed and it is due to an integer overflow that only happens in 32 bit builds.

However there is no perfect fix as time_t is 32 bit in 32 bit archs. What I'm probably going to do is to set it to the max unix time when it would overflow, so that those keys will expire in 2036. But this somewhat violates the semantics as you set a given expire and read a different one using the TTL command... better to think a bit more about it :) But this is likely the best fix for 32 bit.

Thanks for reporting.


Comment #2

Posted on Sep 12, 2011 by Grumpy Dog

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #3

Posted on Sep 13, 2011 by Quick Ox

Redis already appears to reject larger expiration times (e.g. anything over 2**31 on my system). I think that rejecting values that would overflow a 32-bit value after being added to the current time would be an acceptable solution.

An argument may be made that redis should not fall apart around year 2037 and should support 64-bit times on all architectures. This argument is somewhat orthogonal to the bug here - redis should never overflow the time value; if on a 64-bit system I specify 2**64-1000 as the expiration value it should either be rejected or treated correctly as a future value, instead of being wrapped around at 2**64.

Due to redis requesting a delta for the expiration time, people who want to specify a value far in the future are likely to use something like "10 years from now" as opposed to "January 1, 2020". As we get closer to 2037 having 32-bit values for times will begin to affect more users.

Requiring a 64-bit redis for proper time handling has its own drawbacks. One is increased memory consumption of 64-bit redis, which is addressed in the faq. Another one is continuing existence of low-spec servers with under 4 gb of ram, where running a 64-bit operating system makes little or no sense.

In my case there was a bug in the code and I actually wanted a reasonable expiration time, but due to porting the code from memcached it misspecified the delta as a timestamp.

Comment #4

Posted on Sep 20, 2011 by Grumpy Dog

Thanks for the additional details, I moved the issue to the new issue system at github so that we can address it ASAP. Cheers.

Status: Accepted

Type-Defect Priority-Medium