reallysimplehistory - issue #1
RSH 0.4 does not support IE7, Safari/Mac, Safari/PC, or Opera
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Evaluate other libraries' approaches to these browsers
- Evaluate patches suggested by existing RSH users
- Test, test, test.
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 28, 2007 by Grumpy CamelWhen can we expect support for ie7 to be implemented?
Comment #2
Posted on Oct 1, 2007 by Happy LionI'm currently working toward a 0.5 release whose sole purpose will be to resolve this ticket. ETA for this to be released as beta for comments from existing users is mid-October.
Comment #3
Posted on Oct 9, 2007 by Happy BearHey, I'm waiting in exitment for the new realease:) I've noticed Opera has fixed the timer bug in 9.5 Alpha, so RSH works as in Firefox from this version. The market share for Opera is about 2-3% and I belive most of these will change to 9.5 when it arrives. The timer is really the only way I can think of to notice History change, hope there are other ways. I had a really crappy way to deal with it, when i first started making something similar to RSH myself. I had a mouseonmove trigger the start of the timer again, if it was not started from before. Maybe there is a nother event that continuously happens that can trigger it again instead. I have tried having the timer in a separate Iframe, I didn't get it to work in Opera 9.23, maybe it's an option in other browsers ?? Hope this can help and that it's not just old news. Good luck with the coding...
Comment #4
Posted on Oct 19, 2007 by Massive ElephantHi, I am currently developing a quite consequent application, using rsh as the "history manager". I really hope you will be able to release the 0.5 release in a near future... If you need beta tester for this release in order to get returns on it, you can count on me, and given the importance of my development for our product, be sure that it will be tested heavily !! ;) Thanks, Olivier
Comment #5
Posted on Oct 19, 2007 by Happy CatHi,
Is there a url detailing how i can patch .4 to work with ie7. I've already implemented this on a site and IE7 is need for launch. If .5 is in the works and is going to beta released soon, i would holding out for that IF it is going to be released soon.
Any sort of headsup or more info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks!, David
Comment #6
Posted on Oct 22, 2007 by Swift DogA beta of version 0.5 is almost ready and should be up on this site sometime tomorrow for download and evaluation. The plan is to put this out there as a beta, see what types of issues people have with the revisions, work out the kinks, and get 0.5 out as an official release late next week. Check back in 24 hours for the beta. Thanks!
Comment #7
Posted on Oct 24, 2007 by Massive ElephantIs there any developer mailing list we can use to talk about the project? I could not find any thing on the wiki pages.
I'd like to talk about the problems I am encountering with the 0.6 beta release and the solutions I came up with (those issues are not part of the known issues).
Some of the problems have to do with json.js... 1. it conflicts with the API we are using (prototype.js)... It is probably because prototype.js does not properly use for..in loops, but I am pretty sure it can be fixed in json.js, while you will never be able to change all bad API available on the net.... 2. it uses Object.prototype which I have seen not being recommended (because it breaks for in loop...) probably roughly the same issue as the previous one...
I am not a javascript guru, so I may be completely out, but I have attached to this comment an attempt to fix the problem #1. (I have not run it through jslint, nor made complete test... it is just to show you what I have tried).
- json.js 10.84KB
Comment #8
Posted on Oct 24, 2007 by Massive ElephantForget the attached file of my previous comment, it does not fix anything. I am trying to build a test page so you can reproduce the problem. But I am fighting in finding the exact way to reproduce it...
I'll keep you in touch, but if there's a mailing list or a google group for developpers/users of RSH, it would probably be nice... I don't want to bother all other people who commented in this issue and who probably don't give a damn about all problems one can encounter :)
Comment #9
Posted on Oct 24, 2007 by Happy LionThat was boneheaded of me to use a for/in. That's what I get for rewriting methods three hours before posting the code. Luckily, that's easily fixed as it's in one place, fireDebugMode().
As far as the JSON parser itself, that's the latest open-source version. It does directly modify object prototypes, though the methods are expected to become a standard part of the language at some point. I don't call any of the JSON methods directly, so you should be able to override my bridge methods with methods that call Prototype's built-in JSON methods instead. My punch list of enhancements includes the creation of an options bundle for setting debug mode and overriding methods at object creation.
Re: mailing list, let's use the issue tracker to report new issues or suggest patches. IF that proves too unwieldy I'll look into setting up a mailing list.
Comment #10
Posted on Oct 31, 2007 by Happy Lion(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Fixed