
ID Status Summary
97 New This doesn't work with dojo
96 New Fields values shifted when input element is inserted in JavaScript (Firefox only)
95 New FireFox this.listener is null
94 New Support for HTML5 Ajax history
93 New HTTP_REFERER environment variable is not being set
92 New IE8 issues (fixed)
91 New Seems to be no API in the documentation, just walkthroughs
90 New Dynamically loaded javascript destroys history in Internet explorer
89 New Dynamic Style Sheets
88 New Possible defect wrt Firefox 3.5
87 New Blank history keys cause reload
86 New Not Working in AJAX enabled ASP.NET application
85 New IE6 / IE7 rendering issues with rsh (in non-debug mode)
84 New Assignment window.location.hash cause double loading
83 New syntax error in rsh.js
82 New rsh causing window to reload
81 New IE6/IE7 : Javascript error due to bad iframe style setting
80 New firefox 3 hangs if we try to add a large html page to history
79 New Rishi
77 New Safari 3.x not supported by version 0.6
76 New Doesn't play nice with other components that insert into the HEAD element
75 New Refresh (ctrl+r) calling both the "changeHistory" listener and the "onload" when #something in the url
74 New FF2 + Vista - No hash refresh after manual hash change
73 New IE 7 makes double sound ( like anchor double click ) when calling "add"
72 New history values start looping indefinitely after 3 or 4 time usage of back and forward arrows
71 New Prototype.js with RSH issue
70 New History stack appears to be wrong in IE7 works fine in Firefox 3
69 New Does not work under IE7 when used as .php Type-Defect Priority-Medium
68 New Apostrophe in URL does not match in Firefox; results in endless location changes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
67 New IE6 history not work,only closes off a browser!! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
66 New Back not working in IE7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
65 New Google Chrome fails browser detection Type-Defect Priority-Medium
64 New Centered Layout in IE7 shift to the Left Type-Defect Priority-Medium
63 New Only one listener can be defined Type-Defect Priority-Medium
62 New Safari 3.1 does not need "isSafari" workaround Type-Defect Priority-Medium
61 New Doesn't work in Opera 9.5 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
60 New IE History Inaccurate After Opening Document in New Window (TARGET=_blank) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
59 New historyData is overwritten if same URL is visited twice Type-Defect Priority-Medium
58 New 1-2 second page freeze in IE6 and IE7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
57 New Audible Click/Bell on Location Change in IE Type-Defect Priority-Medium
56 New in opera 9.26 going back results in complete page refresh Type-Defect Priority-Medium
55 New Safari 3.0.4/Mac triggers history change event each time a history object is added Type-Defect Priority-Medium
54 New IE: history breaks if there is an element identified as the link hash Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 New new encoded location hash not pretty Type-Defect Priority-Medium
52 New Cannot instantiate dhtmlhistory object Type-Defect Priority-Medium
51 New Incompatibility with ie7-js library Type-Defect Priority-Medium
50 New Changing Hash does not fire history event on Safari 3.0.3 for Windows (XP) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
49 New The call to this.storageField.focus() in Opera can inject random user input into the javascript to be eval'd Type-Defect Priority-Medium
48 New Back button changing hash value but not changing content Type-Defect Priority-Medium
47 New json2007.js incompatible with jQuery 1.2.2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
46 New IE7/XP thinks soft refresh is a first load - isFirstLoad() broken on IE7/XP Type-Defect Priority-Medium
45 New Compatibility of RSH in Clustered Tomcat environment Type-Defect Priority-Medium
44 New Cross Browser issues with RSH 0.6 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
43 New XSS vulnerabity in iframe tag creation [security] Type-Defect Priority-Medium
42 New Refresh not recognized as history event in IE6 & IE7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
41 WontFix Type-Defect Priority-Low
40 Accepted There has to be a more efficient way to store and deploy debug styles. Type-Enhancement Priority-High
39 Accepted Safari 3/Mac (and probably other versions): History stack gets lost when user hits reload Type-Defect Priority-Critical
38 Fixed firstLoad not initialized properly Type-Defect Priority-Critical
37 Accepted Problems with variable storageField in historyStorage Type-Defect Priority-Critical
36 WontFix PHP session management breaks isFirstLoad() in IE Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical
35 Accepted Improve user-agent sniffing; set meaningful values for isSupported; provide usage instructions for isSupported Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
34 Accepted Investigate how WAIT_TIME system actually works and potentially improve queuing Type-Task Priority-Medium
33 Accepted IE7 Issue Type-Defect Priority-Critical
32 New blank.html must be hosted on the same domain as the parent app; this is a problem for syndicated apps Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
31 Fixed A simple setting for the blank.html location Type-Defect Priority-Medium
30 Started Document title change Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical
29 Accepted window.dhtmlHistory.getCurrentLocation returns undefined in Safari 3 (Mac & Win) Type-Enhancement Priority-High
28 Fixed Not Escaping New Location causes an event to be fired if unique id has spaces Type-Enhancement Priority-High
27 Accepted RSH problems with IE7 when page contains an iframe Type-Defect Priority-High
26 Fixed Parameterize the URL of blank.html and allow it to be overridden by the options bundle Type-Enhancement Priority-High
25 Fixed Figure out what meaningless condtional was supposed to do in iframeloaded Type-Task Priority-Low
24 Accepted Optimize historyStorage.loadHashTable Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
23 Invalid why reset value of hash 'four' in the example? is it a bug? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
22 Fixed RSH should deal more gracefully with the first history point in an app. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
21 Fixed We should only throw errors in debug mode Type-Enhancement Priority-High
20 Fixed Safari (3/Mac, but maybe others as well) may hit limits on the number of history points you can process Type-Defect Priority-Medium
19 Accepted RSH should bail more gracefully in unsupported browsers Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
18 Accepted Opera 9.24/Windows: If you navigate off-site, then back to RSH site too quickly, timing issues mess up the history stack Type-Defect Priority-High
17 Accepted Create JSUnit test suites for RSH Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
16 Accepted Create Selenium test suites for RSH Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
15 Fixed Consolidate regular/debug CSS by styling only the form fields, not the inputs Type-Enhancement Priority-High
14 Accepted Test page: Add an onload handler to deal with bookmarked hashes Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
13 Accepted Test suite should include toJSON/fromJSON calls for date objects Type-Enhancement Priority-High
12 Accepted IE6/7: When users type their own hashes in the address bar, history behaves erratically Type-Defect Priority-High
11 Accepted Use of RSH in Safari 2.03, 2.04 and 3.03 for the Mac triggers the infinite loading icon on your tab Type-Enhancement Priority-High
10 Accepted Once Safari 3/PC gets versioned, test whether we can support it better. Type-Task Priority-Low
9 Accepted Safari 3/Mac may no longer need the history.length hack Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
8 Accepted Opera 9.5 may not need the image hack Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
7 Invalid 0.6beta and Safari3/Mac beta Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 Fixed RSH0.6 beta (json.js) uses Object.prototype and breaks other API (prototype.js) using loops Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 Fixed RSH 0.6 beta uses a for/in loop that breaks with certain libraries Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 Accepted Enhancement: update method Type-Enhancement Priority-High
3 Fixed RSH clobbers window.onunload Type-Defect Priority-Critical
2 Invalid How does AJAX Futures history support work? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
1 Fixed RSH 0.4 does not support IE7, Safari/Mac, Safari/PC, or Opera Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical