
ID Status Summary
30 New encrypt data with SSH public key, decrypt with SSH agent Type-Obstacle
29 New Ubuntu/Fedora: Make new package request a sinle click action Type-Annoyance
28 New Unified command line for installing and searching packages Type-Annoyance OpSys-Linux
27 New schema.org microdata for code highlighting in web pages Usability
26 Analyzed Histogram of repository commits size Type-Obstacle
25 New abstract canvas helper lib for Python
23 New YouTube comparison of review process
22 New Spyder based launcher for python projects
21 New freebase: (Auto)import GSoC information Type-Obstacle
20 New python: convenient call to get file modification time Type-Annoyance
19 New python: make windows installer add interpreter to %path% Type-Annoyance Priority-High
18 New dataliberation: issues from gforge/sourceforge Type-Obstacle
17 New google-twitter: fix login by adding OAuth to JavaScript client Type-Obstacle
16 New develop universal .ignore file for version control systems Type-Annoyance
15 New Submit diff/patch Media Type to IANA Type-Obstacle Priority-High
14 New moinmoin: workflow to maintain customizations against ever-changing upstream Type-Annoyance
13 New Roadmap pages for MoinMoin
12 New Trac: patch queue for docs in wiki that are fetched from SVN Type-Annoyance
11 New PXE/TFTP server in Python for booting over network Type-Obstacle
10 New python: date/time is a mess Type-Annoyance
9 New python: cross-platform curses module Type-Obstacle
7 New centralized login for python.org Type-Annoyance
5 Done mercurial: make pager extension windows compatible Type-Annoyance
4 Analyzed python pure lib for drawing graphs (ala Graphviz) Type-Annoyance
3 Analyzed Wave Gadget: Collaborative Release Checklist Type-Annoyance
2 Done add OpenID support for bugs.python.org Type-Annoyance
1 Accepted create the flow Type-Obstacle Priority-Medium