
ID Status Summary
1135 New Quick Search Box.app/Contents/Frameworks/Vermilion.framework/Versions/A/Resources not writable by owner Type-Enhancement
1134 New QSB not searching applications in Mountain Lion Type-Enhancement
1133 New We want it for windows without ie Type-Enhancement
1132 New set screen location for search box Type-Enhancement
1131 New ESC does not dismiss search box Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1130 New Custom Theme Please! Type-Enhancement
1129 New qsb hangs after several sleep/wake cycles on mac laptop Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1128 New QSB invisible until another QSB window is displayed (10.7 Lion) Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1127 New QSB causes Lion to write mem swap file until system disk full and system crashes Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1126 New QSB localization is wrong for brazilian portuguese users Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1125 New support google music (beta) Type-Enhancement
1124 WontFix unable to assign cmd+space to keyboard shortcut Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1123 Fixed QSB fails to build from source as of gdata-objectivec-client r649 Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1122 New QSB and mDNSResponder Interaction (Hangs Machine) Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1121 Duplicate Twitter Account Authentication Type-Enhancement
1120 New transition repo to github to have lower friction for new developers to contribute! Type-Enhancement
1119 New QuickSearchBos Won't stay on top Type-Enhancement
1118 New Default search engine in Chinese Type-Enhancement
1117 New Cannot create Python actions that take no objects whatsoever Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1116 Fixed url with port doesn't open browser Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1115 WontFix The mac menu bar Type-Enhancement
1114 Duplicate Execute AppleScript Items Type-Enhancement
1113 New (Application) search should be really case-insensitive Type-Enhancement
1112 New Processes launched by QSB inherit PYTHONPATH env variable Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1111 New sometimes hangs when dismissing search box Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1110 New Screensaver plugin crashes QSB on launch Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1109 New Malformed database Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1108 New Memory usage quickly goes up after starting. Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1107 New Substrings in Address Book entries fail to match in unpredictable circumstances Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1106 New Searching Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress, Publisher Type-Enhancement
1105 New Command + Enter or Click to view items in finder Type-Enhancement
1104 Fixed GTMBase64.h no longer in google-toolbox-for-mac trunk Type-Enhancement
1103 New Ability to Search intranets Type-Enhancement
1102 New Consider reviewing most "starred" requests Type-Enhancement
1101 Fixed Ability to eject the drive after navigating from /Volumes Type-Enhancement
1100 New Support for Snow Leopard's Text Replacement Feature Type-Enhancement
1099 New Intermittent hang when playing iTunes album Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1098 New version no longer adds songs to "Google" playlist Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1097 WontFix Chrome Bookmarks are not searchable in QSB-mac Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1096 New Moving/copying large files hangs QSB Type-Enhancement
1095 New Navigation using customized key bindings Type-Enhancement
1094 New (Mac) Pressing ENTER with highlighted contact doesn't activate Address Book Type-Enhancement
1093 New Faster local search for files Type-Enhancement
1092 New QSB crash after first search Type-Enhancement
1091 New Can not log into Twitter account with QSB Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1090 New QSB doesn't find applications (both 1447 and 3789) Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1089 Fixed Can't paste a text into the QSB input box with default hotkey (Cmd-V) Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1088 New QSB hangs or crashes because “The file “searchplugins” does not exist.” Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1087 New if enter less than 4 characters, google search does not show. Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1086 New Mail Sort Order shall be reversed or configurable Type-Enhancement
1085 Fixed clipboard history? Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1084 New Growl notifications for some actions Type-Enhancement
1083 New Define shortcuts (abbrev) using Spotlight "Comments" field Type-Enhancement
1082 Fixed Highlight current QSB input field on open Type-Enhancement
1081 New Silent crashes from 3789 Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1080 Duplicate Feature Request: transfering text to the browser ( omnibar inspired ) Type-Enhancement
1079 New Feature Request: transfering text to the browser ( omnibar inspired ) Type-Enhancement
1078 New Unbelievably Slow Type-Enhancement
1077 New Seemingly Wrong Item is FIrst Option Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1076 New Intermittent hang in middle of search in Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1075 New double cmd shortcut not working Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1074 New QSB beach balls when entering a multi-term calculation Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1073 New Many crashes from 3767 on Snow Leopard Macbook Pro Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1072 Duplicate QSB Crashes When Using Hot Keys Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1071 Duplicate CRASH every time it's invoked via keyboard shortcut Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1070 Duplicate Keyboard shortcuts crash Quick Search Box Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1069 Fixed QSB Cobalt: try to launch QSB from shortcut keys crashes QSB Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Critical
1068 Fixed r1056 segfaults Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1067 Fixed r1055 fails to build due to missing files Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1066 New QSB History Type-Enhancement
1065 New Calculator input inconsistently saved Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1064 Accepted QSB consumes 90-100 % CPU Type-Defect Priority-Medium
1063 Accepted Crash in -[MountSearchSource mountSearchSourceTracker:] Type-Defect Priority-High Crash
1062 New Index and search new Google Docs Type-Enhancement
1061 Accepted Crash in [QSBSearchWindowController isOurScreenCaptured] Type-Defect Priority-High Crash
1060 Fixed QSB crashes on launch (Built from source, r1043) Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1059 New Not frequently used applications not shown Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1058 New voice input support Type-Enhancement
1057 Duplicate Hang (not responding) upon trying to launch an app from QSB Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1056 Fixed Warnings when building with LLVM-GCC Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1055 New QSB crashed while typing Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1054 New Browsing invisible files Type-Enhancement
1053 New Google Docs Spreadsheets Not Searchable Type-Enhancement
1052 New Input source (keyboard layout) changes from summon to summon Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1051 Duplicate Add the ability to implement first-class HGSResult subclasses that can be instantiated as part of the HGSResult factory methods Type-Enhancement
1050 New Add the ability to specify keys that should be archived for all HGSSearchSources Type-Enhancement
1049 New option to configure results with short preview context Type-Enhancement
1048 Fixed renaming folder appends extra period to resulting filename Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1047 New Chrome history support Type-Enhancement
1046 New Paste error Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1045 New need Google Dictionary support Type-Enhancement
1044 New support for pinboard Type-Enhancement
1043 Duplicate No "copy to" Type-Enhancement
1042 Fixed Unable to perform file operations on files with semicolon in filename Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1041 New Not able to locate any files on another partition on the same HDD Type-Enhancement
1040 Accepted Crash -[WebSearchSource performSearchOperation:] Type-Defect Priority-Medium Crash Milestone-Cobalt
1039 New QSB doesn't get first few keystrokes when I invoke it Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1038 New ITunes defaulted instead of ITerm for search "Iterm" Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1037 Duplicate QSB Becomes unresponsive when waking from hibernation and switching networks Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium
1036 New QSB Doesn't Match Actions Correctly Type-Defect OpSys-All Priority-Medium