
Quick Search Box for the Mac

Quick Search Box is an open source search box that allows you to search data on your computer and across the web.

With Quick Search Box you can search for information from just about anywhere. You can then perform actions on the search results, such as launching applications, emailing friends, or playing a song.


If you are interested in participating in the Quick Search Box development process, download the app or build it from source. We are eager to involve users in the development process and will be posting new builds frequently. Over the coming months we'll be posting a few articles about the architecture and interaction we are exploring, and we look forward to your feedback.

To find out more, please visit the GettingStarted page. Other great documentation can be found here: 1. QSB FAQ 1. Doc’s Tech Notes’ Guide to Quick Search Box (QSB) for Mac

Questions, comments? Contact us in the Discussion Group and/or follow us on Twitter.

We're also available via irc most of the time. Find us here at #qsbdev on irc.freenode.net ( irc://irc.freenode.net/%26qsbdev ).

Project Information

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