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qonverter - issue #2

Temperature problems

Posted on May 8, 2012 by Helpful Horse

Hi Martin, I can't find your last mail to me, but I recall stuff that's not in the last mail I got from you. So if there are any unanswered things, just re-send it to me.

I noticed a bug in the unit converter today, I'll describe the steps to reproduce:

  1. switch to unit converter
  2. choose Temperature conversion (if it's already selected, choose another and then choose it back)
  3. you should see Kelvin to Kelvin conversion, put a number in the upper input box, let's say 60 for this example
  4. choose Celsius in the lower deployable menu, you should see -213.15
  5. choose Farenheit in the upper deployable menu, you would see -136.1944444, which is wrong (correc result is 15.55555556).

Temperature doesn't get recalculated on upper deployable menu change.

I tried to reproduce this bug with Length conversion, but there it works ok. So I wouldn't know if this affects any other conversion.

-- Fernando Canizo (AKA conan) - http://conan.muriandre.com/

Comment #1

Posted on May 8, 2012 by Helpful Horse

Probably fixed, Fernando take a look at it. It should work. Working code is in git repository.

Comment #2

Posted on May 8, 2012 by Helpful Horse

This issue was closed by revision dd66503a632e.

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-High