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Qizmt Command Line

Usage Description retrylogmd5 <logfile> writes all output to the logfile edit <jobs.xml> edit the specified jobs source code XML file exec ["</xpath>=<value>"] <jobs.xml> run the jobs source code XML file addmachine <host> add a machine to the cluster removemachine <host> remove a machine from the cluster ps distributed processes, schedule and queue info who show who is logged on history [<count>] show command history killall kill all jobs, clean any orphaned intermediate data gen <output-dfsfile> <outputsize> [type=<bin|ascii|word>] [row=<size>] [writers=<count>] [rand=custom] generate random binary, ascii or word data combine <inputfiles...> [+ <outputfile>] combine files into one format machines=localhost format machines=localhost info [<dfspath>[:<host>]] [-s short host name] [-mt multi-threaded] information for DFS or a DFS file head <dfspath>[:<host>:<part>] [<count>] show first few lines of file put <netpath> [<dfspath>[@<recordlen>]] put a file into DFS fput files|dirs=<item[,item,item]>|@<filepath to list> [pattern=<pattern>] [mode=continuous] [dfsfilename=<targetfilename>] put files into DFS putbinary <wildcard> <dfspath> put binary into DFS get [parts=<first>[-[<last>]]] <dfspath> <netpath> get a file from DFS fget <dfspath> <targetFolder>[ <targetFolder> <targetFolder>] | @<filepath to target folder list> [-gz] [-md5] get a file from DFS getbinary <dfspath> <netpath> get binary from DFS del <dfspath|wildcard> delete a DFS file using multiple threads rename <dfspath-old> <dfspath-new> rename a DFS file getjobs <netpath.dj> archive all jobs putjobs <netpath.dj> import jobs archive ls DFS file listing countparts <dfspath> get parts count of a file invalidate <cacheName> <fileNodeName> invalidate a file node of the cache health [-a check DFS health] [-v verify driver] [-mt multi-threaded] Show the health of the machines in the cluster examples generate example jobs source code importdir <netpath> import jobs into DFS listinstalldir List all installed directories harddrivespeedtest [<filesize>] Test write/read hard drive speed networkspeedtest [<filesize>] Test upload/download network speed test exechistory List the most recent executed commands cputemp List cpu temperature ghost List ghost data files perfmon <network|cputime|diskio|availablememory> [a=<Number of readings to get. Return average.>] [t=<Number of threads>] [s=<Milliseconds of sleep to take between readings>] get Perfmon counter readings perfmon generic o=<Object/category name> c=<Counter name> i=<Instance Name> [f Display readings in friendly byte size units] [a=<Number of readings to get. Return average.>] [t=<Number of threads>] [s=<Milliseconds of sleep to take between readings>] specify a Perfmon counter to read packetsniff [t=<Number of threads>] [s=<Milliseconds to sniff>] [v verbose] [a include non-cluster machines] Sniff packets md5 <dfsfile> compute MD5 of DFS data file checksum <dfsfile> compute sum of DFS data file sorted <dfsfile> check if a DFS data file has sorted lines nearprime <positiveNum> find the nearest prime number genhostnames <pattern> <startNum> <endNum> [<delimiter>] generate host names viewlogs [machine=<machineName>] [count=<number of entries to return>] view log entries clearlogs clear logs from all machines in the cluster maxuserlogsview view maxUserLogs configuration maxuserlogsupdate <integer> update maxUserLogs configuration maxdglobalsview view maxDGlobals configuration maxdglobalsupdate <integer> update maxDGlobals configuration recordsize <user-size> returns bytes of user-friendly size swap <file1> <file2> file names to swap regressiontest basic basic regression test Qizmt kill <JobID> kill the specified Job Identifier enqueue command=<value> [ExecTimeout=<secs> Maximum seconds Qizmt exec can run OnTimeout=<tcmd>] Run on timeout; e.g. Qizmt kill #JID# Adds a command to the end of the queue queuekill <QueueID> Removes the specified Queue Identifier clearqueue Removes all entries from the queue schedule command=<value> start=<now|<datetime>> [frequency=<seconds>] [texceptions=<<datetime>[-<datetime>]>[,...]] ranges when not to run [wexceptions=<weekday>[,...]] whole weekdays not to run [wtexceptions=<wdtime>[,...]] time on day-of-week not to run adds a command entry to the scheduler (datetime format is [M[/D[/Y]].][h:m[:s][AM|PM]]) (wdtime format is <weekday>@<h:m[:s][AM|PM]>[-<h:m[:s][AM|PM]>]) pauseschedule <ScheduleID> Pauses the specified Schedule Identifier unpauseschedule <ScheduleID> Un-pauses the specified Schedule Identifier unschedule <ScheduleID> Removes the specified Schedule Identifier clearschedule Removes all entries from the scheduler shuffle <source> <target> Shuffle underlying parts of a rectangular binary file, maintaining chunk order spread <dfsfile> <out-dfsfile> Spread a DFS file across the cluster