What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Install and config the Qizmt as the manual's description 2. run: qizmt @format Machines=localhost 3. a .net error popup window displayed
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? we should see the output as the manual described,
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 1.0 alpha
Please provide any additional information below.
- error.png 11.82KB
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 18, 2009 by Grumpy CamelQizmt has been tested on Windows Vista, Windows 2003 and Windows 2008. For all three the .net 3.5 SP1 framework must be installed.
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 18, 2009 by Grumpy CamelCan you please send the error displayed when you click on the first link of the error dialog? For the @format command, the most common issue is permissions issue with the account which qizmit you installed qizmt with. Can make sure that the account running Qizmt under has sufficient access to the directory which you are installing to.
Comment #3
Posted on Sep 20, 2009 by Swift WombatSorry for my carelessness, I havent noticed the system requirement. However, I ran this program in two different systems: XP and Win7 Chinese simplified edition, both with .Net framework 3.5 sp1, and the results are the same.
the first link of the error dialog and the error message showed on console is as attached.
- errpr2.png 18.56KB
- console.png 8.99KB
Comment #4
Posted on Sep 22, 2009 by Grumpy CamelComment deleted
Comment #5
Posted on Sep 22, 2009 by Grumpy CamelAt this time Qizmt has been tested on Windows Vista, Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 clusters with .net 3.5 SP1 only; however, would be interested to see the aelight log file anyway. It is located:
Comment #6
Posted on Sep 28, 2009 by Grumpy CamelAt this time Qizmt has been tested on Windows Vista, Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 clusters with .net 3.5 SP1 only; however, would be interested to see the aelight log file anyway. It is located:
Comment #7
Posted on Sep 28, 2009 by Swift WombatI have looked the directory of installation, however, no log file found.
I modified permission of under XP and Win7, as uploaded picture(tick the "write" box), and everything seems OK.
However, should this property be specified by installation program automatically?
- permission.PNG 117.61KB
Comment #8
Posted on Jan 14, 2010 by Swift MonkeyHas your problem been solved? I met the same problem too. I referd to the aelight-errors.txt file, and found the exception result is "System.IO.IOException: 找不到网络名( can't find the name of the network)".
Can anyone help me ? Tks.
Comment #9
Posted on Jan 14, 2010 by Grumpy CamelQizmt needs to be installed with an account that has sufficient read/write access to \\$\\ from every machine in the cluster to every other machine in the cluster. (if single machine installation, the account will need read/write access to \\$\\ as well. Can try the hostname command at the commandline to see what the hostname of a machine is.
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