What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. ttk.Combobox(values=('one two', 'three')).pack()
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I have 3 items: 'one', 'two', 'three' Should be 2: 'one two', 'three'
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Python 2.5.2 and 3.0b3 tcl/tk 8.4 ttk-0.2.5 Ubuntu/Linux
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 4, 2008 by Quick HorseGood catch. Treeview.insert already has special code to handle this situation, but I'm moving the code from there so it works for other widgets (like Combobox).
Thanks for reporting, will commit the fix soon.
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 4, 2008 by Quick HorseThe fix has been committed now: http://svn.python.org/view?rev=66221&view=rev
I'm also attaching patches for the python 2.x and python 3.x version in case you want to patch it instead of waiting for the next release.
- issue_4.diff 1.52KB
- issue_4#py3k.diff 1.51KB
Comment #3
Posted on Jul 20, 2009 by Swift HippoI tried changing the code as indicated the patch, but it doesn't work.
Comment #4
Posted on Jul 21, 2009 by Quick HorseDid you apply the patch or did you hand-write the fix ? If the later, can you include your own diff ?
Can you also specify in what sense it doesn't work? It simply doesn't fix the problem, or, something else happens ?
Comment #5
Posted on Jul 21, 2009 by Swift HippoIt simply didn't fix the problem. I applied the path...perhaps it didn't recompile correctly. I'll keep playing with it.
Comment #6
Posted on Jul 21, 2009 by Swift HippoI finally found my problem - for some reason I had tow copies of ttk, and apparently I was patching the one that I was not importing. The patch works for me now. :) Sorry to bug you.
Status: Fixed