
ID Status Summary
52 Fixed attached text will hang Markdown().convert(contents) Type-Defect Priority-High
51 New safe_mode bypassed by links Type-Defect Priority-Medium
50 New allow link-patterns to set link attributes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
49 New Extra toc, Table of Contents Type-Defect Priority-Medium
48 New smarty-pants and quotes in between backticks Type-Defect Priority-Medium
47 New traceback if non-existant file on cmdline Type-Defect Priority-Medium
46 WontFix `markdown2 some-path > some-path` screws up, wipes out file Type-Defect
45 New how to make markdown latex-friendly? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
44 Accepted conversion problem with this embedded raw HTML (2) Type-Defect Priority-High
43 Accepted pre-block is create inside a pre-block in this example! Type-Defect Priority-High
42 Fixed SmartyPants patch Type-Defect Priority-Medium
41 Accepted conversion problem with this embedded raw HTML Type-Defect Priority-High
40 Accepted case where parsing of link markdown doesn't get it right Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 Fixed Failing test case with pygments 1.3.1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 Accepted Annoying conversion of long_file_name to long<em>file</em>name (intra-word emphasis) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
37 New innerHTML of backlink of footnotes extra Type-Defect Priority-Medium
36 Fixed cuddled-lists asserts with some input Type-Defect Priority-High
35 Invalid script confuses <p> and <h#> when both are valid Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 WontFix Horrible code structure Type-Defect Priority-Medium
33 Fixed request for way to handle a bulleted list cuddled with a preceding paragraph Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
32 Invalid Duplicate column name error when the MarkupField is used in an abstract Model Type-Defect Priority-Medium
31 New Escape non-ascii chars in urls Type-Defect Priority-High
30 Fixed Javascript injection Type-Defect Priority-Critical
29 Fixed security hole in md5 hashing of HTML blobs Type-Defect Priority-High
28 New markdown Extension Type-Defect Priority-Medium
27 Fixed Escaping _ in footnotes does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
26 Fixed Will not markdown emails with underlines Type-Defect Priority-Medium
25 Done No mailing list, or Google groups page Type-Defect Priority-Medium
24 Fixed couple of extra letters break link parsing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
23 Fixed Additional options for code-color extension. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
22 Accepted add support for definition lists (as per PHP Markdown spec) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
21 Fixed Safe escaped markdown does not handle then ">" symbol properly when not part of a valid tag Type-Defect Priority-Medium
20 Fixed interesting error when using markdown2 as a postgres plpythonu stored function Type-Defect Priority-Medium
19 Done Enhacement: Provide downloable tarball. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
18 Fixed Bug with Links using javascript:... in href attribute Type-Defect Priority-High
17 Invalid Ability to use Markdown inside of HTML tags Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 Fixed problems with some list edge cases Type-Defect Priority-High
15 Fixed Backslash-escapes aren't being handled properly Type-Defect Priority-High
14 Fixed Add setuptools and nose support Type-Task Priority-Low
13 Accepted list+code tags formatting bug Type-Defect Priority-High
12 Accepted idea for new perf suite (and Unicode error case) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 Fixed markup not processed in footnotes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 Accepted "img sizes" patch from James Eagan Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
9 Fixed Nested list replaced with [HTML REMOVED] in safe mode Type-Defect Priority-High
8 Fixed Escaped HTML instead of [HTML REMOVED] in safe mode Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
7 Fixed URLs surrounded with "<" and ">" are killed with safe_mode=True Type-Defect Priority-High
6 Fixed footnotes don't work when ref is capitalized Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 Fixed r80 broke test 'markdown2/phpmarkdown/email_auto_links' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 Fixed support older versions of Python Type-Defect Priority-Medium
3 Accepted problems with bidi text? encodings etc. Type-Defect Priority-High
2 Fixed safe_mode=True seems to postprocess generated HTML Type-Defect Priority-High
1 Accepted patch from Adam Gomaa to add syntax highlighting and footnote support Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium