What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Install SL4A 2. Install 3. PythonForAndroid_r(5 or 6). 4. Try to install.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The files are downloading. But after that I get an "Installation Failed" and SL4A don't see Python.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? HTC Desire HD. Android 2.2
Please provide any additional information below. Attached adb output after few tries
- logcat.txt 117.15KB
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 29, 2011 by Swift HorseI can see the problem in the log, just not what is causing it. Python looks in LATEST_VERSION_SCRIPTS to see what is the latest scripts version to download. Except that in your phone, this file is: LATEST_VERSION_SCRÄ°PTS There's a tiny dot on the I in scripts, meaning it's not a latin 'I', so it can't find it.
I can't duplicate the problem on my HTC Desire (not HD). I suspect there is something about your code table or language.
FYI, the code to pull the scripts is here:
private int __resolve_version(String what) { url = new URL(BASE_URL + "hg/python-build/LATEST_VERSION" + what.toUpperCase());
So it implies that the toUpperCase() is messing with the "i".
Anyway, this is not a big issue in any case, for two reasons: 1) The scripts are just a set of sample scripts. The rest of python should be installed correctly, and you can confirm by going to sl4a and attempting to add a Python script. You can manually download python_scripts_r13.zip to and unpack into /sdcard/sl4a/scripts
2) In any case, having failed to determine the scripts version, it is now trying to download python_scripts_r-1.zip. That file now exists as a copy of r13.
Trying again should resolve the problem.
Let me know how it goes.
Comment #2
Posted on Mar 30, 2011 by Happy HippoThanks for your answer. I copied the contents of zip file to the location you said, and saw that scripts in SL4A. But I couldn't run any of them. It says: "Unable to run [script location] null". In "Python for Android" app, it says "Installed Versions, interpreter: 16, extras: 13, scripts: ND". But I can't run scripts and I don't see "Python" in interpreters list of SL4A(There is only shell.).
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 9, 2011 by Quick PandaHi, exactly same issue here on Samsung Galaxy S (Android v 2.2). Installation fails when installing scripts and SL4A does not show Python on interpreters list.
Comment #4
Posted on Mar 7, 2012 by Happy GiraffeHi,
Same problem with ADT for Android2.2 emulator.
Comment #5
Posted on Apr 3, 2012 by Swift HorseThis is most likely to be incomplete installation of Python.
Once the python apk is installed, it still has to find and download supporting files.
Comment #6
Posted on May 25, 2012 by Massive DogSame problem here. But, it works with PythonForAndroid-r7b1.apk.
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