
Python-to-JavaScript translator in JavaScript

Pystachio is an early-stage Python-to-JavaScript translator (written in JavaScript) aimed at providing Python scripting in any modern browser.

Example page using Pystachio (Live demo): ``` Pystachio test page body { font: normal 16px sans-serif; }

This is an example of inline Python.

    <!-- embedded python -->
    <!-- note: leading whitespace on the first code line counts as the starting point for indentation -->
    <script type="text/python">
        temp = "hello, world!"
        def something(temp):
            return temp
        print something(temp)

    <!-- pystachio must be started after all Python is on the scene -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        //init params: debug_mode



  • Let's you code in Python instead of (or along with) JavaScript in the Web browser
  • Could potentially be used as an offline Python-to-JavaScript translator by running it from the command-line


  • So far Pystachio only implements a tokenizer for Python.

Project Information

python javascript web-applications translator