
ID Status Summary
25 New [enhancement] add a new const
24 New RSS Reader Using Mobile jquery
23 New Description of retrieving atom feed is incorrect
22 New bad authorization in module GoogleReader
21 New Decode 'continuation' value
20 New AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'EVT_BeforeNavigate2'
19 New How can I retrieve a list of unread items for a particular feed?
18 New fetching a tag with spaces doesn't work as expected Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 New Use of CONST.AGENT in Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 New Have updates to commit Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 New Change graphical API to Glade Type-Defect Priority-Medium
14 New Daily usage limits - are there any? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 New return IOError message Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 New Developer Documentation Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 Accepted Saving mp3 files from podcasts using Google Reader Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Logic Component-Persistence Component-Docs Component-GUI OpSys-All Component-GR Usability Maintainability
10 Fixed Google Reader API Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Docs Usability
9 Accepted It would be better with a "tree" for feeds/folder like Google Reader does. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.7 Usability Component-GUI Component-Logic Component-Persistence
8 Accepted Insert feed name within content zone (with link the the feed main link) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.7 OpSys-All Component-Persistence Component-Logic
7 Accepted Adding a "persistant seach" or "bookmark" function Type-Enhancement Priority-High Component-GUI Component-Logic Usability
6 Accepted Create/Manage feeds and tags from pyrfeed Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Component-GUI Component-Logic
5 Accepted new command parser for tty user interface. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All Component-GUI Usability
4 Accepted Real plugin support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All Component-Scripts
3 Accepted Adding more test classes Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Maintainability Milestone-Release1.0
2 Accepted Adding a decent with py2exe support Type-Task Priority-High OpSys-All Component-Scripts Milestone-Release0.6
1 Started Adding a tool bar Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-GR Usability Milestone-Release0.6