
ID Status Summary
777 New Problem with class TextureGrid and python 3.4
776 New Move to GitHub
775 New ctypes.ArgumentError from Python 3.4.2 after modifying image.anchor of an animated Gif
774 New Label formatting issue when using Python 3 on Pyglet 1.2 RC1 Type-Defect
773 New on_resize event handler not called on window resize on Linux (RC regression)
772 Accepted Tests for media player fail with AttributeError Type-Defect OpSys-Linux
771 Accepted Event sequence tests fail and leave open windows Type-Defect OpSys-Linux
770 Accepted Expose event is not triggered when uncovering window Type-Defect OpSys-Linux
769 Accepted Test app.EVENT_LOOP is unstable OpSys-Linux
768 New Sync Google Code with Bitbucket or update the links
767 Fixed Set gdi32.EnumFontFamiliesExA.argtypes
766 New Add AVBin to the list of dependencies.
765 New Pyglet does not run in 10.10 because it sees 10.10 as less in version than 10.6 Type-Defect OpSys-OSX OpSys-x64 Python-2.7
764 New Maximize and Minimize do not raise an error when it does not perform its function
763 New set_handler bug and refactoring suggestion
762 New EOS not detected
761 Fixed website offline Component-Website
760 Accepted Batch.migrate IndexedVertexList Type-Patch
759 Blocked not updated print Priority-Critical Type-Defect Python-3.3 OpSys-All Component-Scripts Milestone-1.0beta1
758 Accepted [patch]TextLayout does not remove document handlers on delete() Type-Patch OpSys-All
757 Accepted Something obscure about in ReleaseSchedule Type-Other
756 Accepted Windows set_mouse_visible(False) does not take effect without mouse move Type-Defect OpSys-Windows
755 New Resizing vertex list to 0 corrupts other vertices in the domain
754 Fixed tests/ -- AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'platform' (i.e. pyglet has no platform) Type-Defect
753 Invalid 1.2 release
752 Accepted ImageData.get_data() throws an exception on valid list input Type-Patch OpSys-All
751 Accepted Patch: Minor event loop optimization Type-Enhancement
750 Fixed Mac OS X minimum version detection (>=10.6) is broken OpSys-OSX Type-Defect
749 Invalid 'out of memory' error when attempting to create sprites OpSys-Windows Python-x32
748 New scale_x and scale_y for sprites Type-Patch
747 Fixed Document pyglet's "shadow window" functionality Component-Docs
746 Fixed pyglet-1.1.4 memory leak in media.load streaming=True
745 New EOS_PAUSE bug
744 Fixed expectations and exploration of fonts in Windows Type-Patch OpSys-Windows
743 Started Documentation is unclear about how blit_into and related functions work. Component-Docs Type-Patch
742 Fixed "pip install pyglet" is useless on the mac OpSys-OSX
741 Blocked Fix deprecation warning in Python 3.4 Type-Enhancement Python-3.3
740 Invalid interpreter stops responding on window creation Type-Defect OpSys-Linux OpSys-x64 Python-2.7
739 Fixed FIX: Prevent user mouse stupidity OpSys-Linux Type-Defect
738 WontFix ENH: Add ndarray sound playback support Type-Review Priority-Medium
737 Fixed 1.2 programming guide mentions ALSA and not Pulse Type-Defect Component-Docs
736 Fixed Pyglet media fails to close PulseAudio instances Type-Defect OpSys-Linux
735 Fixed py3: BytesIO and disambiguate div for pyglet/image/ Type-Patch Python-3.3
734 Fixed spurious 'class plain' showing in sphinx rendering of doc/programming_guide/text.txt Component-Docs Type-Defect
733 New PEP-8 code style Type-Enhancement
732 New Fullscreen window on the secondary monitor is not always sgown
731 Fixed Expectations about supported font formats Type-Patch Component-Docs
730 Invalid just release 1.2 already
729 Fixed "ImportError: No module named future" in image.MATRIX_RGB test suite. Type-Defect Python-2.7
728 Accepted Multiple run()/exit() calls on OSX leads to error (and likely later segfault) OpSys-OSX Type-Defect
727 Fixed tabs looking bad, especially in monospace fonts Type-Patch Component-Docs
726 Fixed Py3 compatibility code in conflicts with 2to3 Type-Defect Python-3.3
725 Invalid Argument ewhen using PILImageDecoder
724 Fixed py3 compatibility for png s (bytes vs str) Type-Patch Python-3.3
723 Fixed py3 compatibility in tests/image, Type-Patch Python-3.3
722 Fixed TypeError in graphics test suite with python3.x Python-3.3 Type-Defect
721 Fixed compatibilty py3 for tests/image and Type-Patch Python-3.3
720 Fixed tests/image compatibility StringIO vs BytesIO Type-Patch Python-3.3
719 Fixed .bmp files traceback with py3 Type-Defect Python-3.3
718 Fixed False "ImageDecodeException: Not a GIF stream" in python3.x Type-Defect Python-3.3
717 Fixed pypng tracebacks when trying to save (bytes vs str problem) Type-Defect Python-3.3
716 Fixed FIX: Pulseaudio / ctypes on Py3k Type-Patch Python-3.3
715 Fixed Patch for /pyglet/image/codecs/ Type-Patch Python-3.3
714 New Outdated header files in the OpenGL Generation script. Type-Defect
713 Invalid Migration to new Home Type-Task
712 New play files with ExtraParamSize field
711 New Support for PCM files Type-Enhancement
710 Fixed resource path when using OpSys-All Type-Defect
709 Fixed UnboundLocalError hiding ResourceNotFoundException Type-Patch
708 Accepted'file.png') doesn't save modified img-data Type-Defect Python-3.3
707 Fixed py3 compatibility problem while taking fullscreen snapshots Type-Defect Python-3.3 OpSys-Windows
706 New Importing pyglet modules causes the window focus to change
705 New "object has no attribute 'event_types'" freaked me out Type-Enhancement
704 Fixed [patch] py3 compatibility problem in pyglet/graphics/ Type-Patch OpSys-All Python-3.3
703 Accepted Decoding video stalls on movie end or frame seek Type-Defect OpSys-Windows Python-2.7
702 Fixed mismatch between pyglet/font/ and pyglet/font/ - examples/ tracebacks Type-Defect OpSys-Windows
701 New pyglet.text.Label should have a "position" property to match pyglet.sprite.Sprite Type-Enhancement
700 Invalid Turn on full-screen mode, then turn off, unable to update graphics
699 Fixed SolidColorImagePattern and CheckerImagePattern appear to fail in python3 and pyglet1.2a Type-Defect Python-3.3
698 New "TypeError: bytes expected instead of str instance" when using quicktime PNG decoding library on MacOS 10.5 with python3 and pyglet1.2
697 New "TypeError: can't concat bytes to str" in pyglet.font.carbon on Mac OS using python3 (potential fix linked)
696 Fixed 2to3 convertsizip_longest to zip_longest Type-Defect Python-3.3
695 Fixed ResourceWarning since images opened with pyglet.resource.loader.image(..) isnt closed Type-Patch OpSys-All
694 New "underrun" while playing audio file, audio output stops, get_audio_data continues etc OpSys-OSX
693 New Patch: minor simplification in, PEP8 and docstring Type-Patch Priority-Low
692 Started docstring style modifications Type-Enhancement Component-Docs Priority-Low
691 New Interval scheduling with fps limit. Type-Defect Priority-High
690 Fixed Improve Test Case for clock Type-Patch Priority-Low OpSys-All
689 Blocked Make clock.update_time private. Type-Other Priority-Low
688 Fixed Doc folder refactorization Type-Enhancement Component-Docs
687 Fixed Exposing _draw_list_dirty in batch API. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All
686 Invalid Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All OpSys-Windows OpSys-Linux OpSys-OSX OpSys-x64 OpSys-x32 Component-Scripts Component-Docs Component-Website Milestone-1.0beta1 Milestone-1.0 Milestone-Post-1.0 Milestone-Intractable Python-x32 Python-x64 Python-3.2 Python-3.1.3 Python-3.1.2 Python-3.1
685 Invalid Type-Defect
684 Fixed Displaying large font fails under very specific conditions Type-Defect OpSys-All Python-2.7
683 Fixed Improving "contribute" page Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-Website
682 Fixed Documentation Link on homepage is incorrect.
681 Fixed Tuple slice on ImageGrid documented but not implemented Type-Defect
680 Accepted Possible problem in text_coords documentation Type-Defect OpSys-All Component-Docs Priority-Low
679 DriverBug vsync issues on Windows 7 Type-Defect OpSys-Windows
678 New Strict mode when loading system fonts on Windows Type-Defect Easy