
ID Status Summary
58 New On 'conflict' pages would be nice to have a 'Accept ALL VCS changes' and 'Accept ALL web changes' buttons Type-Enhancement
57 New On the 'merge' page and when editing a document that has merged changes should have a 'Reject Changes' option Type-Enhancement
56 New `numpy.<attribute_resolution_string>` in scipy docstrings doesn't point to proper place Type-Defect Severity-Minor
55 New umath.logical_xor source link opens add_newdoc code, not function source Type-Defect Severity-Minor
54 New Deprecation notification Type-Enhancement
53 New Per module and per class generation of class method tables. Type-Enhancement
52 New Provide Joe w/ estimate of hours work remaining on dual review infrastructure Type-Enhancement
51 New Add SQL search commands to the search Type-Enhancement
50 Fixed Option to not produce autosummary at the top of each documented class Type-Enhancement
49 New Milestones link at top of scipy doc wiki pages points to numpy Milestones, not scipy Milestones Type-Defect Severity-Minor
48 New In numpy.ndarray, pydocweb switches the order of the Parameters and Attributes sections Type-Defect Severity-Minor
47 New Add infrastructure for bifurcating the review process Type-Enhancement Severity-Major
46 New Bulleted lists don't support multi-line list items Type-Defect Severity-Minor
45 New Section Other Parameters not recognized for class docstrings Type-Defect Severity-Minor
44 Assigned Attributes / classes should maybe show a signature line on top Type-Defect Severity-Minor
43 Duplicate "Other Parameters" section is not supported Type-Defect Severity-Minor
42 New Reduce Milestones page load time Type-Defect Severity-Minor
41 New Click on a name, get a list of person's work Type-Enhancement
40 Fixed the string &mdash; appears in the page title on Type-Defect Severity-Minor
39 Invalid Add contents section atop Milestones page Type-Enhancement
38 Assigned Objects appear with duplicated names Type-Defect Severity-Minor
37 Assigned Wrong path levels in generated patches Type-Defect Severity-Minor
36 Assigned Packaging is a mess Type-Defect Severity-Minor
35 New Rewrite to use AST parsing Type-Enhancement
33 New Handle substitutions in docstrings Type-Enhancement Severity-Major
32 Assigned Patches should be output as attachment Type-Defect Severity-Minor
31 Fixed upgrade database fails with mysql Type-Defect Severity-Minor
30 Fixed syncdb fails Type-Defect Severity-Minor
29 Fixed cache_docstring does not insert aliases to LabelCache Type-Defect Severity-Major
28 Assigned Why is no patch generated for numpy.fft Type-Defect Severity-Minor
27 Fixed Slow RST rendering Type-Defect Severity-Minor
26 Fixed Allow creating and moving 'file' docstring pages Type-Enhancement Severity-Major ToSprint
25 New Recovering forgotten passwords Type-Enhancement Severity-Minor
24 Fixed More tests needed for the Django part of the application Type-Defect Severity-Minor
23 New More intelligent merging Type-Enhancement
22 New "Recent Changes" view should be improved Type-Enhancement
21 New Running doctests? Type-Enhancement
20 Assigned image:: directive Type-Enhancement Severity-Minor
19 Fixed Sphinx references shouldn't override docstring references Type-Defect Severity-Minor
18 Fixed Support for "sites" sharing the same user information Type-Enhancement Severity-Major
17 Fixed not all modules seem to be imported correctly after recent change Type-Defect Severity-Minor
16 New Location of module docstrings Type-Defect Severity-Major
15 Verified sort methods alphabetically for classes Type-Enhancement
14 Fixed Source code shown in edit view Type-Enhancement
13 Fixed ability to edit doc strings by registered user defaut setting. Type-Enhancement
12 Verified IndexError at /contributors/ Type-Defect Severity-Minor
11 Assigned collect should recurse packages Type-Defect Severity-Minor
10 Fixed Obsolete entries should not be shown in Patch view Type-Defect Severity-Minor
9 Assigned Refactor and split and Type-Task
8 Assigned Database refactoring Type-Task Component-Persistence
7 Assigned Improvements to auto*:: directives Type-Enhancement Severity-Minor
6 Assigned Source location for %s known, but failed ... Type-Defect Severity-Minor
5 Assigned Write documentation Type-Defect Severity-Minor Component-Docs
4 Assigned plot:: directive Type-Enhancement
3 Assigned Browsing docstrings with same review status Type-Enhancement Severity-Minor
2 Fixed Bad performance for Python docs Type-Defect Severity-Major Performance
1 Fixed Respect *module:: directives in reference resolution Type-Enhancement