As I said, the module does "quick-and-dirty" command line parsing for those who (as myself) think that typing extra code characters is a heresy -- and typing extra code lines is a crime Ж:-)
Informally, by import cmdopt we parse sys.argv and return a dictionary object.
If the command line had sth like --option 42 , then this dictionary will have a key/value pair { ..., "option" : "42" , ... } .
Below follows a more formal description -- for those who wants to know about the corner cases and such .
We consider everything that starts with '-' an option key, and everything else -- an option value or a positional argument (i.e. "not a value for some option"), depending on the context.
I will call every option key that starts from '--' a long key, and every option key that does not a short key . ( So the short keys start only with a single '-' . )
For an option key, we strip the leading '-' or '--' to get the option name ; there are two exceptions -- (1) the dash character '-' alone gets a name '-' ( and value "True" ), and (2) two dashes '--' do not produce a key/value pair, but stop any further option parsing and treat all the remaining arguments as positional ones .
For an option value, there are three possibilities :
- the corresponding value goes in the next command line argument, e.g. : ```
--option 42 -O 42 ```
- the corresponding value follows the option key within the same command line argument, e.g. : ```
--option=42 -O42 ```
in this case, we assume that the value immediately follows the short option key -- and is separated by the equation character '=' from the long option keys ;
- last, there could be no corresponding value, as for the '-o' flag in the examples below : ```
-o --option=42 -o -O42 -o -- ```
note that in the last example we are following the standard convention, where command line argument '--' is treated as nor a value neither an option and marks the end of the command line options. ( Otherwise in -o something "something" would be recognized as the value for the option key "o" . )
- Finally, we will call everything else in the command line -- i.e. everything that is not an option key or an option value, a positional argument and they go to the cmdopt.options.args list.
- We get and parse the command line arguments by simply importing the module, i.e. after ```
import cmdopts ```
we have access to the cmdopts.options dictionary, that has option keys as the keys ( with the leading '-' characters stripped ), and the option values, not surprisingly, as values.
The module silently tries to interpret the option values as python expressions, leaving them alone if that fails. A dictionary of uninterpreted options is avalable as cmdopts.string_options , so one can apply own conversion rules to achieve the desired behaviour.
Here is an example ( see the ...test... files for more ) :```
import sys import cmdopt
options = cmdopt.string_options
print "before conversion:", options
conv_table = { "i,int" : int , "f,float" : float
custom stuff: translate integers starting with '0x' as base 16 ones, else as base 10 ones
, "custom" : lambda x: int(x[2:],16) if x.startswith('0x') else int(x) # }
print "after conversion:", options.convert( conv_table )
Now the conversion table from the above will convert any options like "-i42" to a { "i" : 42 } pair, an option --float 2.7 would become { 'float': 2.7000000000000002 } ( or so, depending on the round-off error ), and any "custom" option value would be treated as an integer (base 16 for '0x'-prefixed numbers and base 10 for the rest): --custom 0xB => { 'custom': 11 } .
- To access the positional arguments, use .args .
For example, for a command line --option1 1 --option2 2 -- 3
the code ```
import sys import cmdopt
print cmdopt.options
for arg in cmdopt.options.args: print arg
will print "3" as the output .
- Finally, it is probably worth mentioning that the returned dictionary object is completely free from the 'KeyError' disease ( i.e. the item
[ ... ]
access works exactly as Python dict().get( ... ) method ), so one can do simple checks like : ```
if cmdopt.options['O'] is None and cmdopt.options['option'] is None:
print " neither '-O' nor '--option' keys were specified ! "
- If the same option key would be given twice with different option values, the last one will be used. For example, -o1 -o2 -o3 will simply result in { 'o': 3 } , what might not be the desired behaviour.
Feel free to grab the code and replace the returned object to a list of pairs to change this .
- Single-character options can't be combined in a single word: -abcd would yield { 'a': 'bcd' } . To get {'a': True, 'c': True, 'b': True, 'd': True} , pass in the command line -a -b -c -d instead .
= Download =
I have noticed that for the ones who are not acquainted with the Google Code it is sometimes difficult to figure out how to actually get the stuff Ж:-)
So here is [ a direct link to the file]