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pwauth - issue #7

lack into auth_pam.c for mac OS X leopard (pwauth-2.3.11)

Posted on Jun 15, 2014 by Massive Bear

steps to reproduce the problem 1. try to compile pwauth-2.3.11 for mac OS X leopard (10.5) 2. configure pwauth for PAM_OLD_OS_X authentication into config.h 3. make clean && make

when linking, le _check_auth symbol is not found by the linker.

solution :

into pam_auth.c, replace line 36

if defined(PAM_SOLARIS_26) || defined(PAM_SOLARIS) || defined(PAM_OS_X)


if defined(PAM_SOLARIS_26) || defined(PAM_SOLARIS) || defined(PAM_OS_X) || defined(PAM_OLD_OS_X)

Best regards, Patrice Fontaine

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium