
PostSharp User Samples

A collection of PostSharp samples written by their users.

If you want to post your code, please see the InstructionsForAuthors. If you are interested in this group, consider becoming a member of the Google Group of this project.


The following projects have already been submitted: (authors, please update this list!)

Visual Basic 8

  • FirstStep: Inject a code block, at the beginning of each method call.
  • MethodBoundaryAspect: Demonstrates code injection on method level
  • FieldAccessAspect: Demonstrates code injection on field level
  • LittlePerformanceTest: Gives some idea about the runtime costs of enhancing
  • CacheAspect: Let PostSharp add a cache behind your objects functions
  • DataBindingSupport: Implement common interfaces on the fly
  • OpenAccess: Check out the teamwork of two different enhancer frameworks

C# V3.5

  • Validators: A collection of basic attributes for Property-level setter-validation.

Project Information

PostSharp CSharp VisualBasic .NET DotNet